Saturday, Aug 21, 2010 at 14:35
My Breaksafe 5000 gets power from the car ONLY, on an aux pin on a 12 pin plug,
dont know what your van is but the breaksafe doesnt get power from the van batteries on my Coromal.
I can tell as the charge light only comes on when connected to the car.
Should stay charged for months as it never really gets used unless a catastrophy
If it is over 2 years old they recommend you change the internal battery anyway.
If you have a 12 volt power supply you can connect it to the Red and Black screw terminals on the front of the unit and that will charge the Breaksafe battery via its internal charger.
DONT connect a battery charger to these terminals ONLY A STRAIGHT POWER SUPPLY.
I had a problem with
mine and tried a CTEK battery charger and it didnt work.
Flicked it over to 12v supply and it charged up overnight.
The van has been sitting since mid March and the Breaksafe still shows green when I press the button.
Can email you the instructions if you want.