Tuesday, Jun 08, 2010 at 22:19
Haya ghostgum,
let me guess how this could all fit together...
fluctuating 11-15V @ 5A means high internal resistance of the battery. Could be sulphated up...is there enough electrolyte in it?
"standard PWM" range you're referring to is just an on/off type controller as has been explained by
This on/off action can give you wrong readings on the digital meter.
But if your battery was ok, these fluctuations would happen a lot slower so that you can get meaningful readings off the meter.
I'd say the battery is buggered, either sulfated, or it's very very low on electrolyte.
If you're going to connect your AGMs (US made by any chance?), then you'll have to
test the regulator out on these.
Chances are that the regulator will show a different voltage once the battery issue has been fixed.
But it's too early to tell, not enough information to get a clear picture.
BTW, you're not killing the AGMs instantly if the voltage rises to 14.8V on them during bulk charging.
Just make sure this voltage isn't being kept up for too long, 2 or 3 hours is plenty.
After that time, the regulator voltage should drop back to around 13.8V (float charging).
If it doesn't do this, trash it and get a better one which will offer adjustable levels and other things.
Best regards, Peter