OziExplorer vs TrackRanger GPS Mapping Systems

Hi all, I've been using Ozi and am happy with its functionality and ease of use but I see occasional references to the Trackranger system as well.

Does anyone have any insights on whether one is better than the other?

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Reply By: Member - Boeing (PER) - Tuesday, Jun 01, 2010 at 17:21

Tuesday, Jun 01, 2010 at 17:21
Hi John, I looked at both about 6 months ago and it appeared that ozi had more features but to get to know all those features took time. Unfortunately, time is not something that I have spare at present so I went with trackranger and have been happy with the product and support and it is quick to learn. Ozi offers free upgrades whereas trackranger don't and ozi is cheaper.
Mick O has both but he is out bush at the present.


AnswerID: 419140

Follow Up By: Member - John Baas (WA) - Tuesday, Jun 01, 2010 at 21:08

Tuesday, Jun 01, 2010 at 21:08
Thks Mark.

FollowupID: 689327

Reply By: The Explorer - Tuesday, Jun 01, 2010 at 20:18

Tuesday, Jun 01, 2010 at 20:18
Hi John

If Trackranger went to the trouble of releasing a trial version then maybe there would be a few more users. Nothing like try before you buy. It looks like a good product.

I have previously asked people who claim it is better or easier to use to provide examples but never get a response. Suspect it actually does much the same as OziExplorer and that learning to use it would be little different (same as any new program). One advantage of OziExplorer is that if you do get stuck there is plenty of free advice to be had.

There is no CE version of Trackranger, so you are limited to PC/Laptop...so no walking around the bush with Trackranger (+ raster maps/airphotos) unless you want to cart a laptop/netbook.

Not sure if you can import OziExplorer calibrated images into Trackranger ....there are a few Google Earth (etc) image "grabbing" programs that automatically create calibrated images for you to use in Ozi (and other programs)....no direct process for Trackranger AFAIK - probably because of its limited Aus base (Ozi is used world wide by hundreds of thousands…which by itself says something).

Whether or not one or other is actually "better" is not a question that has a universally applicable answer. Depends on person using it and what they are using it for. What doesn’t OziExplorer do that you wish it did? For the average 4WD/Tourer (for example), think both would be more than suitable.

I sent one final shout after him to stick to the track, to which he replied “All right,” That was the last ever seen of Gibson - E Giles 23 April 1874

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AnswerID: 419166

Follow Up By: Member - John Baas (WA) - Tuesday, Jun 01, 2010 at 21:12

Tuesday, Jun 01, 2010 at 21:12
Hi Greg, I'm very happy with Ozi and Des and the crew always answer my emails efficiently - great support.

I was just surmising that for another outfit to go to the trouble of creating a new operating system, that there must be significant points of difference; otherwise the project looks a bit quixotic against an entrenched icon.

FollowupID: 689328

Follow Up By: The Explorer - Tuesday, Jun 01, 2010 at 21:34

Tuesday, Jun 01, 2010 at 21:34

Free country and nothing wrong with a bit of competition. If it did something super special we woud have heard about it by now. I am not sure how long Trackranger's been around but its seems to be hanging in there so must be some people buying it. I dont thinks its the only thing the company (Advantech Design) do so maybe its a side project that they can support easily (despite not being super popular), with a view to slowly capture more of the market.

There are actually quite a number of different GPS Mapping programs around. No idea of actually how many or user base, some are a little more high tech than OziExplorer (eg GlobalMapper). I am currently using CompeGPS Land as I use an Aventura/TwoNav instead of PDA/OziCe at moment. Does what all the others do - displays your position over a raster image and records your track/saves waypoints (among other things).

I sent one final shout after him to stick to the track, to which he replied “All right,” That was the last ever seen of Gibson - E Giles 23 April 1874

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