Dometic 3 way fridge as a bar fridge off 240v
Submitted: Sunday, Jan 31, 2010 at 12:51
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I'm looking at buying a dometic 3 way fridge as a bar fridge but taking it out camping 3-4 times a year.
Has anyone done this? Is this fridge suitable for this sort of purpose? I'm a bit concerned that it might chew lots of energy on 240 volts or that there may be other issues with it.
My other option is to buy a bar fridge and hire a camping freezer every so often, which is more hassle.
Reply By: Member - ross m (WA) - Sunday, Jan 31, 2010 at 12:57
Sunday, Jan 31, 2010 at 12:57
Buy a 40-50 litre compressor fridge and be done with it. Im using my Wacko 50 as a drinks fridge during summer.
Fits nicely under the computer table LOL
Follow Up By: oldtrack123 - Sunday, Jan 31, 2010 at 13:14
Sunday, Jan 31, 2010 at 13:14
Compressor fridges are ok IF you have the means of keeping the battery charged.
It all depends on what form of camping one is doing .
A 3way suits all forms with out the need for daily drives , a gennny or solar panels.
A 3way can be quite expensive to run on 240v [ inefficient use of energy]but for camping in a fixed spot for more than a couple days ,unless one spends lots of $$$$ ,is the only way
Follow Up By: Jemsquash - Sunday, Jan 31, 2010 at 13:23
Sunday, Jan 31, 2010 at 13:23
I didn't realise that the 3 way fridges were inefficient on 240 volts. That'll probably make it unsuitable for my wants.
Follow Up By: keviny6 - Monday, Feb 01, 2010 at 21:32
Monday, Feb 01, 2010 at 21:32
they work great on 240 volts but when camping you'll need a good genny to keep the element going
Reply By: Jemsquash - Sunday, Jan 31, 2010 at 13:11
Sunday, Jan 31, 2010 at 13:11
The problem is that I have a shelf in the bar which makes it difficult to open a chest type fridge freezer. That's why I'm looking at a more regular fridge type that opens forwards rather than up.
Follow Up By: oldtrack123 - Sunday, Jan 31, 2010 at 13:32
Sunday, Jan 31, 2010 at 13:32
Hi Jem
You really need to do the cost calcs.
A small 3way upright will typically use upwards of 1.5Kwhrs per day,depending on ambient temp, warm loading ,#of door openings etc .
Your electricity bill will have the cost per unit or Kwhr so you can work out the MININUM cost per day
That is the factor that you need to consider.
You can then work out the best option.
BUT as per above post if you are looking at staying in one spot for more than a couple days ,unless you spend $$ on means of charging bats ,You WILL need a 3way for camping
Reply By: oldtrack123 - Sunday, Jan 31, 2010 at 13:50
Sunday, Jan 31, 2010 at 13:50
HI Jem
Further to above post,
If your power cost is 22c per unit /Kwhr then daily running cost would be more than 33c per day & as a max about 65c per day.
Reply By: skulldug - Sunday, Jan 31, 2010 at 21:41
Sunday, Jan 31, 2010 at 21:41
I, and may others I have met have a bad run with Dometics.
The only up-side to your plan is that indoors, a three way may work better than in a vehicle or van because the ambient temperatures is less variable. In all other ways, I don't think it is a good idea.
Purchase cost is higher, running costs are higher, ability to chill warm drinks is low, reliability is low and when you finally take it camping, it will only work in moderate temperatures.
Safety is also a consideration. If you are keeping food in it, daily temperature fluctuation is a real issue.
I good compressor fridge would be better and if cost is an issue, a cheap one would also be far more effective.