Thursday, Jan 21, 2010 at 15:44
Hi All
Were looking at Club Capricorn at
Yanchep for this first gathering as its not far from
Perth less than 1.5 hours.
Dates remain as previously stated the 20 and 21st of Feb, I will be going there after work on Friday the 19th as I like to make most of my weekends, all welcome to join us.
Current Attendee’s:
Ian and Nola
Steve and Helen
Graham and Chris
Ken and Barbie
Also interested
Alan and Lyn
Martin and Partner
I have just had a chat to the CP and they may
well extend their current low rates that end on the 31st of Jan I would suggest you wait to book until the 2nd of Feb by then we should have more detail on the Tariff.
Their contact number is Ph 9561 1106 They require a deposit of 1 nights accommodation payable on booking and they take credit cards.
Also you need to bring a $20 note as a refundable deposit on the Loo Key. They have had a run on them, he he he)
Steve has sent me a map and some additional info, so if you are unfamiliar with the area or you want more info or something is not clear, drop me a line or call 0401 487 441
4 Weeks to go
Still plenty of time to get your name down
P.S. there have been sugestions for other venues further afield (
Dongara and
Australind) if there is enough interest I'll be looking at theis for April and May
Ian n Nola