Jackaroo Rebuild- any ideas to upgrade 2.0l
Submitted: Monday, Sep 22, 2003 at 21:13
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Hi I am going to rebuild the motor in my 1984 holden jackaroo and was after any proven tips or ideas to make it go any better - and any tricky bits that we may come accross as this is the first time I have rebuilt a 2.0l jackaroo motor and the manual that we have tells us jack all. I have rebuilt many other types of motors.
Reply By: Snowball - Monday, Sep 22, 2003 at 21:44
Monday, Sep 22, 2003 at 21:44
the only mods for the early jackaroos was the STII kit - cam shaft, extractors and weber carbie. It was a GM approved kit at the time developed by Spencer Bros in Mitchum Victoria, now long gone. I gather from your earlier posts that you have already made those changes.
There was also a kit to fit the Sigma 2.6 engine, but they were not reliable engines. Jackeroo World handle after market spares and bits for jackaroos, may be worth a phone call:
Reply By: Truckster (Vic) - Monday, Sep 22, 2003 at 21:53
Monday, Sep 22, 2003 at 21:53
Seriously think about a different engine. They have never been known as a 'goer'..
If your rebuilding it pistons, rings, mains, bored etc, the difference in a larger donk may not me much more.
TO throw $ at the 2ltr wouldnt be worth it for the tiny power gains.
Reply By: dogart - Monday, Sep 22, 2003 at 22:32
Monday, Sep 22, 2003 at 22:32
84 LS jack with the G200Z (actually 1.9L gemini motor) 4spd man
Basically cyl head bleep itself again and the rings were cactus too
so I got the mechanic to rebuild/recon motor.
Had it bored out 60thou, larger valves, slightly chunkier cam.
Added bluebird carby and put extractors on.
Doesn't sound like mutch but I'm still amazed at what 2wd vehicles
I can burn from the lights. 0 - 100km in about 8/9sec
This is with insitu rubber flooring from under dash right through
to the back
barn doors, which has added a bit of weight to the car.
I love this car but the rust has let the thing down.
Your prob better going for holden red motor.
(I'll be selling the jack soon for prob ~ $2K, good for spares)
Follow Up By: Tony - Tuesday, Sep 23, 2003 at 07:25
Tuesday, Sep 23, 2003 at 07:25
A mate in
Canberra has just about finished a Fuel Injected holden 6 in his jack a great looking job, 5 speed HD Gearbox, new paint work and it looks a million dollars and no dout will go like it as
Reply By: Member - Colin (ACT region) - Tuesday, Sep 23, 2003 at 11:53
Tuesday, Sep 23, 2003 at 11:53
I had a '82 2.0L model for about 16 years. Very reliable, light, economical but the 4 speed gearbox was its biggest problem - reved its guts out at 100kph! As a result the motor needed rebuilding every 100 000km.
Mine had the Stage 1 mods - cam, extractors, 2" exhaust, 40th rebore and the performance was good.
I did see some with a Holden 6 motor replacement - or maybe you could find a later model from a wrecker with thw bigger 2.6 motor and 5 speed.Subaru Forester
size isn't everything !
Reply By: Rowdy - Sunday, Sep 28, 2003 at 20:07
Sunday, Sep 28, 2003 at 20:07
Matt sorry about taking so long to reply to your inquiry. I had a 81 jackeroo which I put a 2.6 sigma engine with a weber carbie back in 1992. The conversion wasn't too bad to do but I did have access to a machine
shop and I was able to do most of the work myself. Two of my mates went for the holden six conversion but it was not very satisfactory as the holden engine was revving towards it's upper comfortable limit at 100k/hr and was very thirsty.
The sigma engine while it is not known for it's reliabilty did suit the jackeroo reasonably
well but its not a project that I would recommend to do. With the increased towing ability with the sigma engine the brakes were not up to the increased weight and I frightened the ^*@#@ ! out of myself on several occasions when towing. I would recommend that you get a vehicle more suited to your needs and if you like the jackeroo a lot, the Jackeroo Rigout with 2.6 engine and 5 speed g/box and 4 wheel disc brakes wouldn't be a bad option. I found that every thing I did to the Jackeroo while it improved one aspect of it's performance it hilighted another deficiency in its design/capability and I found I was throwing good money after bad. I now have a rodeo! when will I ever learn.
Reply By: Rowdy - Sunday, Sep 28, 2003 at 20:07
Sunday, Sep 28, 2003 at 20:07
Matt sorry about taking so long to reply to your inquiry. I had a 81 jackeroo which I put a 2.6 sigma engine with a weber carbie back in 1992. The conversion wasn't too bad to do but I did have access to a machine
shop and I was able to do most of the work myself. Two of my mates went for the holden six conversion but it was not very satisfactory as the holden engine was revving towards it's upper comfortable limit at 100k/hr and was very thirsty.
The sigma engine while it is not known for it's reliabilty did suit the jackeroo reasonably
well but its not a project that I would recommend to do. With the increased towing ability with the sigma engine the brakes were not up to the increased weight and I frightened the ^*@#@ ! out of myself on several occasions when towing. I would recommend that you get a vehicle more suited to your needs and if you like the jackeroo a lot, the Jackeroo Rigout with 2.6 engine and 5 speed g/box and 4 wheel disc brakes wouldn't be a bad option. I found that every thing I did to the Jackeroo while it improved one aspect of it's performance it hilighted another deficiency in its design/capability and I found I was throwing good money after bad. I now have a rodeo! when will I ever learn.
Follow Up By: matt - Sunday, Sep 28, 2003 at 23:53
Sunday, Sep 28, 2003 at 23:53
Thanks we are starting to think about a different car but I am so attached to this one and it is in perfect condition that I don't know if I could bear to part with it let alone the cost of upgrading. Think I may just let it be how it is. We sold our trailer and that is the main reaon why we wanted to upgrade - towing capabilities. Some guy come in off the street and offered us a stupid price for the trailer. So now we may just cram all the camping gear into the boot.