Tuesday, Apr 14, 2009 at 11:28
Hello Rod,
Thanks for alerting members to the plight of the folk in the southern part of the Murray Darling catchment. We are really in the poo !
I live in Kerang in the northwest of Victoria and not far from the
Murray River. I'm consider myself lucky to have access to water from the river as
well as the town supply. I have been on Stage 3 water restirctions for some time. Interestingly, my friends in
Brisbane have been suffering much harsher restrictions than me.
Kerang has received 11.0 mm of rain this year and the last decent fall (19mm) was on 18th December, 2008. I have watched with great interest the rain events in Qld and NSW, hoping that some would filter down the east coast to western Victoria, as it occasionally does. I watch every band of cloud that comes our way from the west in the hope of some rain.
Our main water storages are very low: Hume Weir 3.6% and Eildon Reservoir 14%. I never imagined that these mighty storages would ever fall to these levels.
As a consequence of the low rainfall over several years and extensive dry periods each year, much of the once productive irrigation area has been laid to waste. There are dead trees everywhere you look, many
farm houses are now vacant, the local dairy herds are surviving on
hay often bought on credit, livestock numbers have been seriously depleted.
For the soon-to-close season, the local water authority -
Goulburn Murray Water - has been able to allocate 35% of water entitlement to irrigators. The water remaining in storage is fully reserved for domestic customers (town supplies) and farmers who are able to reserve unused water for the start of the next irrigation season (known as carryover).
The quality of the water in the Murray has fallen dramatically in the past fortnight as an extensive algal bloom has developed from Yarrawonga to Tooleybuc due to above-average autumn temperatures. This is a temporary nuisance to us - it is already beginning to disperse. It is just another problem caused by the low flow in the
Murray River. A much bigger one is that our river redgum forests have not been flooded for many years !
I'm about to receive some Rudd Dollars. How stimulating ! I would much rather our PM have spent the stimulus money on a project to direct - and pipe where necessary - water from Northern Australia to our food bowls. If we can build a mighty Snowy Hydro Scheme, we can surely collect, store and redirect water which might otherwise be lost to seepage and evaporation or flow out to sea.
Send rain !
Follow Up By: Member - Vince B (NSW) - Tuesday, Apr 14, 2009 at 12:18
Tuesday, Apr 14, 2009 at 12:18
Hello Netnut.
Here are a few stats that will make you cry regarding river flows.
Easter we camped on the Mann River(northern NSW).The region has had alot of rainfall over the past month & on the 1st April, the Mann Rriver recorded a 24hr flow of over 160000ml/day.
All this water flows out to the sea.
It is a pity some of the northern NSW rivers don't end up flowing into the Murray/Darling system.
We travelled down the Darling last July & it would be great to see the river come alive again.
Follow Up By: Member - Mfewster(SA) - Tuesday, Apr 14, 2009 at 12:22
Tuesday, Apr 14, 2009 at 12:22
Netnut, while I agree with most of what you say, it is simply a myth that water can be piped from Northern Australia to the south. This has been looked at many times. Unless it is going downhill, moving water is not like moving gas. Too much friction in the pipes. To move it over this distance would require astronomical pumping costs. Cheaper to relocate people to the north. I'm betting this will start to happen in not too many years.
Follow Up By: Madfisher - Tuesday, Apr 14, 2009 at 12:32
Tuesday, Apr 14, 2009 at 12:32
Agree it is not practical to pipe water fron northern Australia, but it is simple to divert water from the NSW north coast back over the divide similar to the snowy scheme. BUT the greenies will never let it happen. As long as this water is not all lost to cotton it would be great.
Cheers Pete
Follow Up By: Member - Mfewster(SA) - Tuesday, Apr 14, 2009 at 16:03
Tuesday, Apr 14, 2009 at 16:03
Madfisher. I'm not saying that you are wrong about diverting water back over the ranges. I've just never seen this evaluated. Do you have any references to studies on this? Personally, I don't think we will getanywhere on grand water schemes until we abolish the States, or at least heavily curtail their powers.
Follow Up By: Dave B ( BHQ NSW) - Tuesday, Apr 14, 2009 at 18:52
Tuesday, Apr 14, 2009 at 18:52
Mfewster, can you imagine Mr Rann and all the other premiers saying they will give up their jobs so that it can be all managed from
Don't hold your breath.
Follow Up By: Member - Mfewster(SA) - Tuesday, Apr 14, 2009 at 19:14
Tuesday, Apr 14, 2009 at 19:14
Dave B
I sure can't imagine the State Premiers supporting this, but if enough people thought about it and started to move for changes to the constitution, it would make a lot more sense than fiddling around on the constiution on the republican issue.
Any serious public discussion along these lines might just stir them into actually working together for a change.
Follow Up By: Madfisher - Wednesday, Apr 15, 2009 at 22:30
Wednesday, Apr 15, 2009 at 22:30
Yes their was a study done to divert the clarence back over the divide. Problem is the nymoida river which runs into the clarence has an endangered species living their(The east coast Cod), so will not happen. Another river that would be very easy to divert would be the Goubourn as the divide in this area is only 600 m.
Cannot remember now where I read about the studies on the clarence. But now their is a cry from the extreme greens to let more water run to the sea down the snowy again, so large scale scheme like the snowy will not happen again.
Cheers Pete