Thursday, Feb 05, 2009 at 08:11
The Tanami pump looks a great idea for those of us with a bad back.
There are some safety considerations (common sense really but sometimes common sense escapes us)
From the manual..
"Fuel travelling a hose causes static electricity. Always make sure that your jerry can is earthed to your
vehicle. “Use a battery jumper lead to do so”.
The TANAMI PRO should ALWAYS be operated in a
well-ventilated are. DO NOT use inside a vehicle
or enclosed space. Be wary of hot exhausts, sparks or electrical components (your compressor) in the
area when operating the TANAMI PRO.
Restricting / stopping the fuel flow from the fuel hose outlet can be dangerous. The hose could blow
off the outlet pipe; fuel could then pour out of this pipe onto the surrounding area. The jerry can could
explode from internal pressure.
A pressure relief valve (Tanami PRV) is fitted; and a small amount of air escapes from this valve
constantly as it regulates the air pressure, if there is a blockage in the fuel hose the valve will open
fully. Air / fuel fumes from this valve if ignited can cause an explosion, and are harmful if breathed in.
under certain circumstances fuel under pressure can escape from this valve, so always have the jerry
can upright when in operation.
Never leave an operating TANAMI PRO unattended.
If the fuel tank or reservoir if full and fuel is then added via the fuel hose, the fuel could then overflow
outside the tank or vehicle, causing a dangerous situation"