Summer is over

Submitted: Sunday, Apr 20, 2008 at 19:48
ThreadID: 56825 Views:2721 Replies:3 FollowUps:9
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Yesterday I finished the last of the tours in the Vic High Country for the summer of 2007/08.

There were some big changes in the Vic High Country with fires and floods having a big impact on the trees and rivers. Huts have been burnt and most have been or are still being rebuilt. The tracks have been cleaned up with a lot of the camp sites having a make over.

There has also been an increase in people and vehicles touring the area. I would have to say that the majority are very courteous and always willing to have a chat either face to face or over the UHF.
This last trip I came across conveys that were very helpful with the fine art of passing another convey. Once we had worked out where each convey was it was a matter of who had the room to move over. Some of the trip leaders were not quite sure exactly what track they were on but a strong UHF signal would mean that they were not to far away.
Single vehicles are always a problem, even though they might have a UHF they still will not have it on. I know that they are not talking to another vehicle while they are travelling but if they have it on scan they could pick up other vehicles in the area. That is how I find other vehicles. One UHF on the convey channel and the other on scan.

Talbotville was very busy again and the campers were very good with no music being played at night. Sound travels a long way at night in the bush and there is nothing worse that listing to music that people think that everyone will like and wants to listen to.

A single vehicle camped near us on Thursday night. The driver came over and introduced himself. I like that when you have new neighbours and they take the time to have a chat. It turns out he had met me on a Simpson Desert trip last year when the convey he was in needed some shock bushes for a 100 Series. I was able to help them out and he remembered me from that occasion.
During our chat I asked where he was off too. He also told me that two other vehicle that were also single vehicles were doing the same trip as he was. All following the same pace notes in the same book. There was a road closed that he did not know about and he would have to detour around it. I had seen the sign on my way over and we were able to work a way around.
Another couple came over also with a copy of the book also wanting to do the same trip but they were in a Forester. Wanting to go up Station track and then down Herne Spur I could not recommend that they do that trip.

Before I left home I had put on tyre monitors, and they have saved a tyre from being destroyed on the first trip. They will not stop you from getting a puncture but I was able to detect the tyre going down and stopped before the tyre was completely flat. The monitor has paid for itself already.

Now all I have to do is to strip out the back of the Troopie, clean and check it all from bumper to bumper. The vehicle can then be packed for the desert trips that are coming up over winter.


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Reply By: Member - Footloose - Sunday, Apr 20, 2008 at 19:56

Sunday, Apr 20, 2008 at 19:56
Sounds like a great life, but a mate in NZ who runs tours has done 9 so far this year. A few days at home at the most.
I love to travel, but only when I don't have to stick to a time table.

PS. I know what you mean about your neighbouring campers saying g'day.
It gives the tour guide a chance to whinge about the customers :))
AnswerID: 299501

Follow Up By: Wayne (NSW) - Sunday, Apr 20, 2008 at 20:08

Sunday, Apr 20, 2008 at 20:08

I have to be careful what I say. There are members on this forum that have been on trips with me.

Being able to do a trip at your own pace would be great and I might just do that when and if I retire.
The trips down in the High Country are in reality a sampler. Most drivers are amazed where the vehicles can go and all are blown away with the area. Once they have been there they want to go again either with us or by themselves.

FollowupID: 565684

Reply By: Vince NSW - Sunday, Apr 20, 2008 at 19:57

Sunday, Apr 20, 2008 at 19:57
Good the hear that you enjoyed the High Country. We found the smae problems last year in the Simpson. Met one convoy of 14 cars on Ch 14 & not scanin at all. We were on scan and picked them up. They were about 5 hours into a east / west crossing and had reached the third dune west of Big Red. It was going to be a lllong trip for them.
Are you going out to the Explore Oz gathering or will you be working ?
AnswerID: 299502

Follow Up By: Wayne (NSW) - Sunday, Apr 20, 2008 at 20:17

Sunday, Apr 20, 2008 at 20:17

Yes and no to the gathering.

I would have finished the Canning Stock Route by then and will be in Alice Springs. At this stage I will have a few weeks off around that time before I do the Kimberleys which start in Alice Springs.
I will be in the area but not sure if I will go home or stay in Alice.

FollowupID: 565690

Reply By: On Patrol (East Coast) - Sunday, Apr 20, 2008 at 20:13

Sunday, Apr 20, 2008 at 20:13
Welcome back Wayne

I wondered about Talbotville and the enormous size of the camp area there, because when we were there in Jan. (On your recommendation, thank you) we were the only ones there for 3 nights, except one family from Qld.

I would not like to meet another convoy coming the other way on the road out to Dargo, I think it was McMillans track, very high up and very narrow for the last few Ks into Talbotville.

Next trip into the high country we intend to base ourselves for 4 nights in Talbotville and day trip out from there and likewise 4 night in another location yet to be decided, that way we can take the campers and have a camp ready set up each evening to return to.

So Wayne, what's next mate?????
AnswerID: 299507

Follow Up By: Wayne (NSW) - Sunday, Apr 20, 2008 at 20:27

Sunday, Apr 20, 2008 at 20:27

A base camp in the area is good. There is so much to see and not having to set up camp every night is a bonus. I have been there and had the place to myself and other times it has been busy, just depends on the time of the year.

What's next.

26 Day trip on the Canning Stock Route in June, might have a couple of weeks of R&R in Alice Springs and then the Kimberly. Throw in a Simpson Desert trip or two a Finders trip and that should do me for the winter.

FollowupID: 565693

Follow Up By: KiwiAngler - Sunday, Apr 20, 2008 at 21:30

Sunday, Apr 20, 2008 at 21:30

Tried calling you on HF selcall a couple of times while you were away - HF conditions weren't that good but thought I would give you a call anyway.

What are your Canning trip dates?

I have just about completed my proposed itenary - just need to cut a couple of days out from somewhere so that I get back to work before the boss realises I am not at work :-)))))

I was going to 'detour' down to Port Lincoln from Port Augusta rather than go direct from Port Augusta to Ceduna. I guess I might have to drop that part of the trip and save it for another day :-(. I will still need to 'shave' another day somewhere but it all looks so good it will be a hard decision :-)))

Hope to catch you soon

FollowupID: 565706

Follow Up By: Wayne (NSW) - Sunday, Apr 20, 2008 at 21:38

Sunday, Apr 20, 2008 at 21:38

The HF is out of action at the moment. I need to get the auto tune fixed. This is one of the projects over the next few weeks.

Canning this year will be 5th - 30th June going south to north.

FollowupID: 565708

Follow Up By: KiwiAngler - Sunday, Apr 20, 2008 at 21:52

Sunday, Apr 20, 2008 at 21:52
Once again we will miss each other :-(

I am departing Wagga on 12th July - returning 11th August

FollowupID: 565715

Follow Up By: pepper2 - Monday, Apr 21, 2008 at 08:17

Monday, Apr 21, 2008 at 08:17
Wayne do you know if there is any snow around davies plain at the
FollowupID: 565759

Follow Up By: Wayne (NSW) - Monday, Apr 21, 2008 at 08:50

Monday, Apr 21, 2008 at 08:50

Even though I was not in the Davies Plains area this trip I don't think that snow has fallen in the area. I did hear of snow a few weeks back but that was only light and would have gone by now.

The temperatures were getting low, minus 2 at Howitt Hut with a good frost, all the other mornings were cool, plus 1-2.

It was very still with very little wind and the cloud that did come over was very high and thin.

FollowupID: 565764

Follow Up By: Member -Signman - Monday, Apr 21, 2008 at 10:12

Monday, Apr 21, 2008 at 10:12
Morning Col..
What about the mob down at 'glenmore park' at the other end??

And g'day Wayne. Good that your back in town for a while !! When are ya gettin away again (no- I don't need any jobs done)..
You might want to contact Footloose (now he's a member) the antenna!!

FollowupID: 565777

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