getting rid of water tank taste
Submitted: Tuesday, Mar 18, 2008 at 10:55
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gonebush SA
hi, we have a bad plastic/yuck taste in our
water tank, we have tried Milton's baby steriliser, then propper tank cleaner, then a mixture of bicarb and vanilla essence and the taste is still there (if you imagine really hard it is a bit better) but still undrinkable. we think the problem started because when we bought our van secondhand 15 months ago we didn't know that there was about 20 litres of water left in the tank, we hadn't used the tank water at all in this time. we foundout the water was in there when putting all new drinking quality hose throughout the van and putting a drain in the tank for future uses.
does anyone know of anything else worth a try or should we just call it quits and buy a new tank? also i noticed that some new vans come out with a metal tank, do you think this would be worth a try as then this problem wouldn't raise it's head again?
thanks from Chris.
Reply By: DIO - Tuesday, Mar 18, 2008 at 11:33
Tuesday, Mar 18, 2008 at 11:33
You could try Bi-Carb of Soda (couple of tablesppoons or so) into tank with some water, mix/agitate
well leave for a few days, empty rinse, tatse/smell, repeat if necessary. You could also try some Vanilla Essence - perhaps a small bottle (50-100ml), fill tank (repeat as before) and so on. It could prove to be a lengthy process but they can be 're-freshed'. Some people store vans with water in tnak, I always prefer to leave them empty and dry - with ventilaion. Seems to work for me. Metal tanks can also present a problem if left with water in them that goes stale/grows algae etc.
Follow Up By: gonebush SA - Tuesday, Mar 18, 2008 at 11:40
Tuesday, Mar 18, 2008 at 11:40
hi, yes we tried bi carb (about 350 grams) and about 180 mls of vanilla ess. left in there for nearly 2 days. didn't really do much though, we have had success in the past (other vans) with this mixture, but i think this one is getting to be a lost cause.
thanks anyway Chris.
Reply By: regt1008 - Tuesday, Mar 18, 2008 at 12:17
Tuesday, Mar 18, 2008 at 12:17
Many years ago we I worked up north on mining sites in WA. We had water bags the old type you hung on the front of the car or in a tree( no ice machines and air-conditioned cabs on our Dozers but that is another story )
When you got a new water bag the water tasted terrible so what we did was add half a bottle of sherry and fill the bag with water and hang for 3 or 4 days. Then refill with water and the rotten taste was gone.
I did this with a new boat I brought last year. The plastic tank had a fibreglass taste to it. So I flushed it out out added a full bottle of sherry in filled it with fresh water and left it for a week.
Then flushed it out filled it with clean water and it worked fine.
Best of Luck
Reply By: Rut Tearer - Tuesday, Mar 18, 2008 at 16:01
Tuesday, Mar 18, 2008 at 16:01
There are various
water tank treaters available to the marine industry via Whitworths, I have stainless tanks in my boat and I just flush them regularly, having said that we don't use our onboard water for drinking , it's used for washing, shower and
toilet. We also use it for boiling the water for coffee etc and it's fine. I would think a carbon water filter is the way to go if you really want to drink it, carbon filters remove all odours and smells. You will chase your tail forever on the tanks themselves so let it go and go with a carbon water filter.
Reply By: gonebush SA - Tuesday, Mar 18, 2008 at 17:01
Tuesday, Mar 18, 2008 at 17:01
hi, we have 2 filters- 1 paper to remove bigger stuff and the other is micro carbon, these filters are set up that all water that enters the van -tank or tap go through them, and still we have the taste.
thanks for all the thoughts so far though, I'm still mulling over the sherry idea, can't see how it would work though, but the older remedies are sometimes the best, don't suppose a bottle of sherry is that dear to buy if it doesn't work.
Follow Up By: Member - Graham H (QLD) - Tuesday, Mar 18, 2008 at 18:25
Tuesday, Mar 18, 2008 at 18:25
Try some Tank Cleaner from Camec, follow the instructions. It worked for us after leaving water in tank unintenitonally for 6 months. Tasted like the bottom of a bird bath but Ok after cleaning.
Reply By: gonebush SA - Wednesday, Mar 19, 2008 at 16:40
Wednesday, Mar 19, 2008 at 16:40
thanks once again but finally we have
drinking water that tastes the same as when it comes out of the tap, after all this fuss and money it was the hose after all, it's lovely (as much as water can be) tasting and doesn't even stink now,
well that's a lesson learnt don't just think it's the tank
check out the hose (even if it's new). once again thanks from Chris.