How to catch a Yella Belly
Submitted: Saturday, Feb 23, 2008 at 19:30
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Member - Derek L (QLD)
I'm not much of a fisherman but would like to start heading out the dams around
Warwick to catch a few Yella Bellies. But I would not have a clue what to use rod and tackle wise and bait wise let alone where to find them in dams or rivers.
Reply By: DIO - Sunday, Feb 24, 2008 at 10:13
Sunday, Feb 24, 2008 at 10:13
Hi Derek, you don't need anything sophisticated or expensive. Perhaps a 5 - 6 foot long Estuary Rod, 15 - 20 kg line -lots of snags in rivers, creeks and dams, reasonable size hooks - they have pretty big mouths and for bait I use a shrimp pot to catch bait in the water I intend to fish. If using shrimp put them onto the line using tail to attach leaving them alive and moving to attract fish. You will also need a sinker, I use old spark plugs (cleaned up of course) as they are about the right weight and if I do get a snag and broken line then I haven't lost much ($$). Like others said, talk to locals and anyone else you see fishing nearby. Good luck.