Bull Bar - TJM or ARB ?
Submitted: Monday, Feb 11, 2008 at 16:17
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Member - jjt98 (QLD)
Hi all - Just after some advice on bull bars. I have a Series II Disco & need a winch compatible bull bar. Have priced tjm & arb. Tjm are about $150 cheaper at this stage.
Does anyone have any feed back on the 2. I can't get a second hand one anywhere!
Reply By: Shane (QLD) - Tuesday, Feb 12, 2008 at 16:09
Tuesday, Feb 12, 2008 at 16:09
jjt98 (QLD)
Mate every time I head out to
Cunnamulla I useally clean up a Roo near
St George. 5 Roo's so far with the ARB with no damage, mostly around 100kph with a succession of demolished spotlights, one spotty lense from the d/s fell out due to the shock of the impact on the the p/s tip of bullbar. Hit a big roo on the left side one morning & thought he would defineately bend it, no damage to the ARB but a big crease in L/H side guard from his tail. Yeh ! I would say go ARB, but if you are going to do some serious outbacking, consider putting steel mesh between the bars as the roos have a tendacy to go through the openings on the normal bars. DO NOT consider putting on a Alloy Bar as they are useless against roo's. I had a Nissan Patrol go past me one morning at a great rate of Knots & up the road was a fresh dead sheep, got to the next town & the bloke was there inspecting the damage. You would swear he hit a Buffalo, the Bullbar was a wreck & both spotties pointing to the heavens.
Follow Up By: Member - jjt98 (QLD) - Tuesday, Feb 12, 2008 at 17:58
Tuesday, Feb 12, 2008 at 17:58
Hi Shane - there seems to be an overwhelming lean towards arb bars. I think my query has been answered.
Thanks for the response.