100 series intercooler for 1HZ with safari turbo kit
Submitted: Thursday, Jan 31, 2008 at 22:16
This Thread has been Archived
after getting my cruiser's cooling system checked out it looks like
I might need an intercooler.
I like the look of the denco, anyone fitted one themselves to a 100 series, any drama's fitting it?
Does anyone know where I'd be able to get a decent second unit from?
Cheers all
Reply By: Member - Ian H (NSW) - Friday, Feb 01, 2008 at 10:19
Friday, Feb 01, 2008 at 10:19
If you are fitting the intercooler for more power then go ahead but if you think the it will keep the engine temp down then I reckon you will be disappointed.
If the engine is getting hot I would be more inclined to have the fuel pump checked and any obstruction to cooling air flow. The 1HZ doesn't suffer overheating problems unless something is wrong. Also
check the viscous fan coupling as that was what caused overheating on our 80 series.
Let us know what the results were if you can. Thanks.
Reply By: Mr Pointyhead - Friday, Feb 01, 2008 at 11:02
Friday, Feb 01, 2008 at 11:02
Safari highly recommend the intercooler kit to keep exhaust gas temp down. The 1HZ in the 100 series has lighter pistons than earlier 1HZ's (less Al in the top of them), making it more vunerable to damage from high exhaust gas temps. The original 100 series Safari kit was onlyl sold with the intercooler for this reason. They only introduced the turbo only kit due to market pressure.
Another option you have is to get the vehicle tuned on a dyno with a EGT guage attached. This will enable to tuner to
check the vehicle is not being overfulled, leading to excessive egt, which may be the cause of you problems. This will reduce the maximum power and torque available but will improve the long term reliability.
I personally have a HZJ105 with the intercooled safari kit. I run an EGT Guage with a buzzer alarm for when the EGT creeps up. If it goes off, I just back off a little until the EGT settles down again. Usually this only happens on long steep climbs at 100 Km/hr. Using backing off to 95 km/hr reduces the EGT back to acceptable values.
You may also want ot investigate fitting a 4 core radiator. This option has been discussed on other threads on this
forum if you have a look