1HZ Triple flow Radiator in- AAA+++
Submitted: Tuesday, Jan 29, 2008 at 18:58
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Over all my 1HZ wasn't too bad it had a 12mth old genuine 3 core radiator. On a really hot day pulling up a mountain with the A/C on it would go to a max of just over the 3/4 mark on the guage and once over the other side would cool down within a few K's to around the 1/3 mark again.
Just put one of those desert cooler triple bypass 4 core ones in and today in the heat I tried my damnest to get the needle to move above 1/3 but there was no way in hell it would budge. I think it was definately money
well spent. I'm stoked.
Reply By: That Troopy Bloke (SA) - Tuesday, Jan 29, 2008 at 19:45
Tuesday, Jan 29, 2008 at 19:45
Yes, a 4 row radiator is a worthwhile mod. Put one in my troopy 3 years ago, and has never even looked like getting hot.
mine from Radiator Warehouse, Churchill Rd Kilburn SA.
Was actually cheaper than getting the original 3 row re-cored.
No association etc. just a happy customer.
Follow Up By: howesy - Tuesday, Jan 29, 2008 at 20:05
Tuesday, Jan 29, 2008 at 20:05
Same here no affil. just stoked with the result. Worth every penny.
Reply By: Steve from Top End Explorer Tours - Tuesday, Jan 29, 2008 at 22:22
Tuesday, Jan 29, 2008 at 22:22
I just had a 1hz in
Innamincka at 49 in the shade towing a camper trailer, it had a roof rack with 2 tyres on top and run cool as a cucumber with the radiator it came with new.
In the last 7 years I have owned 7 1hz cars, and the only time they when hot and cool again as you say was the viscus hub in the fan, so don't be fool into thinking your problems are solved.
It may be worth checking as
well, Just some friendly advice.
Cheers Steve.
Follow Up By: howesy - Wednesday, Jan 30, 2008 at 08:41
Wednesday, Jan 30, 2008 at 08:41
appreciate what your saying but the hub has been done. When you get an aftermarket turbo they richen the fuel and without the HAC unit they tend to run that tiniest bit rich under load which as we know increases the heat. I think the problem lies more in this area but the radiator seems to more than compensate for this.
There used to be a guy in
Sydney who reckons he can fit a HAC unit and have the best of both worlds but at $1500 to $1800 I think I will wait untill the pump needs doing.
Reply By: Member - Frank U (QLD) - Wednesday, Jan 30, 2008 at 03:52
Wednesday, Jan 30, 2008 at 03:52
I agree - Your temp gauge should not be moving with the factory radiator.
You should not need to upgrade to a bigger radiator - BUT - I agree it is better to give yourself some space when there is a problem given that the Toyota gauge has a huge dead spot.
I would be looking first at thermostat, then fan clutch, then power flushing the radiator, then heater hoses(they can collapse when hot reducing the efficiency of your cooling system).
Also keep in mind that the Toyota temp gauge has a huge dead spot up to 110 degree's C.
So, if your temp gauges are moving - you are getting close to boiling point in my experience as soon as they move.
Never mix different brands of coolant - this causes sludge which eventually blocks up your cooling system - if you do change brands or types of coolant - you MUST do a professional POWER flush - not just use a garden hose which is common with some mechanical
I installed a digital temp gauge with an alarm because of this dead spot so that I had some real warning if the temp moved before it was too late. You can get them in the trader section under accessories for under $120 and install one in minutes - but first I would be finding the root cause to your cooling issues - which I suspect are fan clutch related - they generally go around 150,000k's and resemble the problems you guys are describing...
Toyota ones are serviceable. You can buy the Silicon based oil from Toyota and refill them - much cheaper than buying a new one from Toyota at $500 roughly - there have been plenty of reports that only Genuine stand up to the requirements of landcruisers and the third party ones fail more - they are not serviceable either.