Bush mechanics.........Brakes and Wheelbearings

Submitted: Monday, Jan 28, 2008 at 14:03
ThreadID: 53967 Views:2985 Replies:18 FollowUps:8
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Now that I am mechanic-less (ref post 53896) I thought I had better try some things myself.

Rang me mate John who lives by the river, and he suggested that I remove the brake calipers from their fixed position, tie them securely to somewhere on the front end, manufacture a wood spacer to fit inbetween the brake pads ,making sure it is all thoroughlyt tied and cannot shake loose and go for a drive to see if the hubs were still heating up.

Did just that with tie-wire and plastic cable ties and went for a 20km run, being careful not to touch the brakes and used gears and the handbrake only.

Hubs were cool when I got home. Then I reassembled the lot and went for another 20km run and guess what, Hubs were HOT!

So there you go, it is a crook brake system all along and not the wheelbearings. What a monumental stuff up by the mechanic who does not have an enquiring mind and me for not being smart enough to look for other things. Anyway I got lots and lots of advice from the forum.

Now I have to ascertain just what part of the brake system is playing up since the GQ has new Rotors and new Brake Pads.

Better go have a nap first though and wait for the cool of the late afternoon to come........................................lol

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