leaking diesel from a 93 hilux surf 2.4

Submitted: Wednesday, Jan 16, 2008 at 12:30
ThreadID: 53549 Views:13984 Replies:12 FollowUps:4
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Hi there,

I dont know where it is leaking, but it is. It drops every 20 sec after the car has been placed stationary. Dont know how it looks underneath if the car is in move.

I bought that car two days ago from a dealer with one year warranty. Already went there to claim but no mechanic there today. So I have to go back there tomorrow.

But if they don´t fix it or they are unable to do it, where should I go then? Need that car fixed till monday because I am on working holidays in Australia and have to travel a lot.

Right now I am in Liverpool/Sydney and could be at Central Coast/Toukley within the next couple of days.

But I don´t want to start with car like that.

Does anybody knows what I have to expect now? Or where is a good mechanic?

Thanks in advance for any advice.
a bloody german :)
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Reply By: Member - Tour Boy (springsure- Wednesday, Jan 16, 2008 at 13:29

Wednesday, Jan 16, 2008 at 13:29
Take it to a diesel workshop and get an inspection report on paper, then go back to the dealer and show him. If he doesn't come to the party then go to dept of fair trading. Even if it had no warranty that is a safety issue and a roadworty certificate shouldn't have been issued.

By the way every surf that I've seen with a leaking pump had to have a full rebuild. It will get alot worse over the next month...sorry

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AnswerID: 281922

Follow Up By: robak (QLD) - Wednesday, Jan 16, 2008 at 15:16

Wednesday, Jan 16, 2008 at 15:16
It would be nice good to make a complaint to fair trading as a matter of principle but it won't help unless you have months to wait to work this out.

Road worthy certificates are not worth the paper they are written on. I once bought a car wich a a few items that were not road worthy. After many complaints to Queensland transport, I was basicly told to stop bothering them.

They said if I want to take this further they will (out of their of good will) defect my car for not being road worthy. Then I can, out of my own pocket, take the issuer of the certificate to court and try to prove that it was not roadworthy at the time of the inspection.Well, what a helpfull governmenrt department.

The best advise I can offer is, since you're short on time, tell the dealer in a letter, that he has 24 hours to fix it, after which you will fix it elswhere and send him the bill.

He probably won't fix it, and you'll have a hard time getting the money out of him. This will be a long process and the dealer knowing that you are short on time will try to extend the pain for as long as possible.

Call it a learning experience and have all vehicle you buy checked by an independent mechanic.


p.s. Else you could go to the dealership everytime a new customer walks in and have a loud argument about how you have been shafted, and park your new car in front with a big sign "THEY SOLD ME A DUD" on the rear window.
FollowupID: 546354

Reply By: bloody_german - Wednesday, Jan 16, 2008 at 14:29

Wednesday, Jan 16, 2008 at 14:29
Thanks for reply.

I don´t even know if its the pump or just a seal or a hose. An independent mechanic had a look as well and he couldn´t seen where it is leaking from. There are too many parts around or next to the leaking spot. Very hard to locate.

I don´t want the car dealers mechanic fixing that thing. Anyway the warranty insurance will tell me where do I have to go for an inspection. Still waiting for their call.

How can a car dealer sell cars like that? But that´s not the point know. I´m just wondering. Do they check the cars before they sell them? How can I know that there is fuel leaking?

I will see how the things going. Otherwise if it´s to expensive to fix that, I hope I can refund.

So you think if they don´t fix that, I should go to fair trading?


AnswerID: 281936

Reply By: Member - sdr00y (Beecroft) - Wednesday, Jan 16, 2008 at 15:24

Wednesday, Jan 16, 2008 at 15:24
There is a possibility, depending on how old the vehicle is, that the problem is the 'o' rings and seals inside the pump. Older diesel fuel pumps used rubber 'o' rings and seals, new ones use neoprene rings and seals.

In about 2000 the fuel companies decided to remove sulphur from diesel. The removal of sulphur from diesel causes rubber 'o' rings to fail. This causes fuel leaks.

My experience was, I owned a 1985 2.4 d hilux. I always used mobil fuel as it was usually around the cheapest and close to home. On a trip one year I was forced to use BP for about 4 fuel fills as there was no other servos at the towns we stopped at. Guess who removes sulphur from their fuel? BP. So further on in the trip I was loosing fuel. Called ahead to Broome Toyota and organised for them to fix. Not a huge deal, more of a pain in the butt.

It is possible that this is what has happened to you. Possibly the seals and 'o' rings need replacing.

Still, if you are not happy with the dealer, take it straight back and tell them you want your money back, and search for another vehicle.

Did you happen to call into a fire station in Sydney? If you did, I was one of the guys that showed you the station.


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AnswerID: 281944

Reply By: bloody_german - Wednesday, Jan 16, 2008 at 17:43

Wednesday, Jan 16, 2008 at 17:43
Thank you all heaps for helping.

I am still good with the dealer and I want to keep it like that. If I have to stay a bit longer in Sydney, I´ll do that. Let´s hope there is a way to arrive at an agreement. Already I´ve got the paper from the independent garage which shows, that something is wrong with the fuel pump, leaking etc. So if the dealer agrees, I will ask for a refund. I think that´s the easiest way for both of us and he should be happy to get rid of it (and me).

With the refund money (something around 500 bucks) and the warranty claim (if I get it) I should be able to pay a diesel workshop. Anyway in my mind the dealers workshop doesn´t looks like that they are able to fix that one on a diesel.

Could be the seal and I hope it´s only that. Anyway, they have to get the timing-belt and all that stuff out to replace the pump or seals. For a new pump, the independent garage told me, I am looking about 1000 bucks, excluding labour.

And knows what they actually did on that? They will probaply charge me for a replaced pump, although they changed the seals only. That´s always a problem if you are a tourist, sometimes they charge you too much. But most people are very honest and helpful. In Europe it´s the same...

Well, if he is not going to agree tomorrow I´ll try to get my money back. But it took my long time to find an affordable car. And I went to dealer because I thought it´s better to buy from a private seller....

The car was standing on the dealers site for 6000. I got it for 5000. But after I bought it, I had to replace the brake pads, one coolant hose, power windows I fixed by myself, no speakers.

That´s very awesome, srOOdy: yes, always I fill up fuel at BP :S
and no, I didn´t visit a fire station. But that´s a good idea. I should do that :)

AnswerID: 281965

Reply By: bloody_german - Wednesday, Jan 16, 2008 at 17:48

Wednesday, Jan 16, 2008 at 17:48
just wrote my reply, but it´s all gone? what happened?
AnswerID: 281966

Reply By: Dave Thomson - Wednesday, Jan 16, 2008 at 18:00

Wednesday, Jan 16, 2008 at 18:00
Yes it was the fuel pump on mine too, up for about $600.00 from memory but should be fixed by the dealer so stick with it and dont let im' fob you off,
good luck mate,
AnswerID: 281969

Reply By: rumpig - Wednesday, Jan 16, 2008 at 20:30

Wednesday, Jan 16, 2008 at 20:30
cost me abit over $1200 to rebuild my 2.8 hilux injector pump when it was leaking, brother had a 2.4 hilux which cost him about $1100 from memory. so yeh $1000 atleast i'd say, $600 as mentioned earlier to get a pump rebuilt would be the cheapest price i have ever heard of, all my mates have paid over $1000 when they have had theirs done.
AnswerID: 281984

Follow Up By: Dave Thomson - Thursday, Jan 17, 2008 at 18:20

Thursday, Jan 17, 2008 at 18:20
Yes rumpig dug out the old reciept and though it was 4 years ago my mechanic took it off and I ran it up to the injector place they charged $330.00 to recon it and my mechanic charged about the same to refit it,
FollowupID: 546615

Reply By: Harrow - Wednesday, Jan 16, 2008 at 21:48

Wednesday, Jan 16, 2008 at 21:48

If it comes to extensive costs that you will have to bear then this might be of use to you.

Just B4 Xmas when in their spare parts dept I saw New complete genuine Surf Injector pumps at Southside Toyota the Gabba brisbane for

Wait for It $ 350-00

The sad news was, for me any how I was after a 1HZ injector pump, and no deals going there.

May still be on offer there was approx 4 on the shelves in front of the counter, cant remember the exact model.


AnswerID: 282000

Follow Up By: bloody_german - Thursday, Jan 17, 2008 at 09:00

Thursday, Jan 17, 2008 at 09:00
g´day Harrow,

do you have a number to call for that dept in the gabba/Brisbane?

Cheers, mate

FollowupID: 546526

Follow Up By: Harrow - Thursday, Jan 17, 2008 at 12:21

Thursday, Jan 17, 2008 at 12:21
Of their web site still listed


1990 Hilux "Surf" 4WD Turbo Diesel Injection Pump Assy
Suits: 2LTE Engine, 2.4L Diesel Turbo
3x Only Available
Special Clearance Price
$352 (incl GST)

33 Jurgens St Woolloongabba
Tel. (07) 3008 6411
Fax. (07) 3008 6429
Mon - Fri 8am to 5pm
Sat - 9am to 12 Midday

At that price you would not even consider O/H the old one


FollowupID: 546553

Reply By: bloody_german - Thursday, Jan 17, 2008 at 16:39

Thursday, Jan 17, 2008 at 16:39
I´ve been back to the dealers mechanic today. It tooks him 5 hours to change the seal from the top lid. And it´s still leaking. I asked him for some refund, and he said yes but only 200 dollars. Well, his mechanic was working a long time on it, he said...so he couldn´t give me a refund that much as I was asking for.

So we decided to wait for instructions from the warranty insurance, but they still don´t have the details from the dealer, as they told me.

AnswerID: 282107

Reply By: Stephen M (NSW) - Thursday, Jan 17, 2008 at 23:48

Thursday, Jan 17, 2008 at 23:48
Where you located at ?? Regards Steve M
AnswerID: 282188

Reply By: bloody_german - Friday, Jan 18, 2008 at 08:29

Friday, Jan 18, 2008 at 08:29
I am in Liverpool, Sydney at the moment.
AnswerID: 282221

Reply By: bloody_german - Friday, Jan 18, 2008 at 16:49

Friday, Jan 18, 2008 at 16:49
Hi mates,

the car dealer gave me refund money today, and I already bought the new pump in Sydney from that money

Where can I get that fitted now, for around 400 Dollars, including new timing belt and new water pump?


AnswerID: 282282

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