Woo Hoo After all these years !

Submitted: Saturday, Jan 12, 2008 at 19:07
ThreadID: 53404 Views:2728 Replies:10 FollowUps:4
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Absolutely amazing isnt it, if you wait long enough for governments, red tape and not to mention bullshoit, the wheels of time just crawl around.
Have been on the net for many years, around 7 or 8 at a guess, on this site for about 4, all of it on dialup internet.
Have been on ISDN for a couple of years, which was a little better.
Hundreds of times its been so painful to sit and wait or go have a drink or something while we wait for things to open/download.
Many links and things we didnt even bother to open, and chose to miss them altogether.
A few weeks ago the government and telstra must have come to a deal to open the adsl that has been in our exchange for a reported couple of years.
With promises that it will be on shortly, many times, we have soldiered on waiting.
Just another advantage of being in a small rural town, again!
Well as of yesterday we are now connected with adsl, so have gone from 64k to 128k to 1500k.
So now when I open a post it happens in a few seconds not up to 60. We can watch video clips when they come along and surf the net for things of interest. Still along way from adsl2, or even wireless, considering we have a telstra tower next to our town.
But we are thankful for small acheivements.
I am now around $30 better off each month with twice the download , at about 15 to 20 times faster.
Woo Hoo after all these years ! LOL

Cheers Pesty
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