75 series getting hot
Submitted: Friday, Apr 13, 2007 at 21:53
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Hi all,
maybe some one can offer an answer as to why my mates 75 series 2F diesel
gets hot when you push it over 100kph ,only recently it had the cylinder head
reconditioned new t/stat ,new radiator ,injectors done .
It doesn,t use water, the temp gauge goes up and so does the engine temp
if you slow down the gauge drops back to normal , seems to be a circulation
issue !!! the viscous fan hub is new , any ideas will be appreciated .
cheers mechpete.
ps the gauge goes way up .
Reply By: Member - Doug T (W.A) - Friday, Apr 13, 2007 at 22:09
Friday, Apr 13, 2007 at 22:09
I would be trotting off to the spare parts
shop and getting a new Thermostat. I had one seize up once and had to pull it out on road , took the gutz out of it and put it back , went through the whole process the next day when I got a new one , and make sure you get genuine , easiest way I found to get at it was drop the A/C comp' off and lay it back over near the washer bottle, then loosen the Alternator and lean it forward then you can get a clear go at it, and don't loose the rubber washer , if you don't get a new one re use it , it is the seal.
Have fun
Follow Up By: Member - Stephen M (NSW) - Friday, Apr 13, 2007 at 22:31
Friday, Apr 13, 2007 at 22:31
Hi there Doug going by his description he has put a new one in. I think "t/stat" is referring to thermostat unless thats short for some thing else. Maybe ?? I'm like you I only use genuine parts, always have.To much envolved to buy cheap sh#t then when it causes other isues its not worth the headache. I know there is a huge difference with the clutch couplings. My lux was $340 that was my price davis craig $130 but was informed by the guy at the spare
shop who was actually selling the davis craig to go genuine he had too many of them coming back not working or only working when they wanted to. The partnumber for the davis craig fan for the lux also fitted some other model hilux's and even cruisers, yet when I rang Toyota there was different part numbers for each other vehicle so that tells me that davis craig are making a universal type one to suit a different range of vehicles. I know there are plenty of people on here and some of my mates who cant afford to buy genuine and have had no problems but I'm a fussy prick. Regards Steve M
Follow Up By: Member - Doug T (W.A) - Friday, Apr 13, 2007 at 22:35
Friday, Apr 13, 2007 at 22:35
Silly old bugger i am eh , I didn't see that T/stat , but ..... sometimes a new non genuine part might not last long as I found out with 2 water pumps in 14 months and the original lasted 9 years
Follow Up By: Member - Stephen M (NSW) - Friday, Apr 13, 2007 at 22:51
Friday, Apr 13, 2007 at 22:51
Very true Doug, I found that out with lux's centre bearing on the tailshaft had been on there 16 years put non genuine on off ebay lasted 12months and had to replace again guess what I used the last time ?? "Genuine" double the price but obviously for a reason, still was fine when I sold it. Regards Steve M
Reply By: Peter 2 - Saturday, Apr 14, 2007 at 07:21
Saturday, Apr 14, 2007 at 07:21
75 series with 2H engines always ran hot if pushing past the 100kph mark, Toyota even recognised this when they fitted an extra vent to the passengers side guard and put plastic box around the battery to try and stop it cooking.
One of the aftermarket turbo mobs even put one in a wind tunnel and discovered that at 100kph there was no airflow through the radiator due to the shape of the body and the restricted space under the bonnet.
Basically I found with
mine that it was best to sit around 95kph as the engine is starting to rev too hard and guzzles fuel much over this anyway.
I found that the solution was to remove all obstructions from in front of the radiator like spotties etc, make sure thermostats, cluch fan and radiator are all ok, (which you seem to have done), only use the red Toyota coolant in the correct mix(too much coolant will actually make any engine run hotter) and that was as good as it gets.
In really hot weather I found that if I used 5th it got hot, drop back to 4th with the water pump spinning harder it ran cooler. The direction of the prevailing wind will also affect it, tailwind will cause it to run hot as
well, simply poor airflow.
Follow Up By: Bros 1 - Saturday, Apr 14, 2007 at 18:45
Saturday, Apr 14, 2007 at 18:45
Peter 2,
My 11/85 model 2H/HJ has never run hot, even sitting over the 100 mark, fully loaded with the tinny on top. 365,000 on clock (touch wood).
Got two spotties sitting in front of the radiator.
Every year i get a back flush and new inhibitor. (they use green)
Just a thought, but does the radiator bottom tank protector plate make a difference in regard to air flow?
Agree with the 95Kph being the speed that is most economical.Cheers,