How do I change pics??

Submitted: Monday, Apr 09, 2007 at 23:39
ThreadID: 44146 Views:2171 Replies:1 FollowUps:1
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Hi everyone, after having a great time in Morgans old quarry on Sunday (see post 44111) Ive got alot of new pics of my rig in action and would like to change the pic that displays at the bottom of my post.

Ive looked and looked and can not work it out. I changed pic 1 thinking it would work but only changed it in my rig page. Can sombody please help me here?

Thanks in advance Cheers Luke
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Reply By: Trevor M (SA) - Monday, Apr 09, 2007 at 23:54

Monday, Apr 09, 2007 at 23:54
Hi Luke,

not sure if you mean you want to change your "signature pic" or add to your gallery.

For either you need to go to "My Home" (blue button in top right corner) and then select "My Rig" if you want to change your signature pic. If you want to add pictures to your gallery go right to the bottom of the "My Home" page and there is a button called "Load New Photo"

Hope that helps

AnswerID: 232482

Follow Up By: Member - Luke (SA) - Tuesday, Apr 10, 2007 at 00:20

Tuesday, Apr 10, 2007 at 00:20
Thanks Trevor,

It was the signature pic I was talking about.

I had already tried to do what you said but it didnt change the pic on forum posts, only in my profile. I ended up just deleting both pics 1&2 and putting them back in. But then I looked back on the forum post and it still had the old pic that I had deleted but when I clicked on it, the new pic came up. I thought WTF is going on here so clicked on the refresh button and hey presto everything was ok

Makes me wonder if thats all it needed to start with lol

Cheers Luke
FollowupID: 493371

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