Track Ranger GPS Mapping Software
Submitted: Wednesday, Apr 09, 2003 at 23:02
This Thread has been Archived
Michelle from ExplorOz
How many of you currently use Track
Ranger software? Just interested to know your
feedback if you do use it, have used it and what you think. Any of you tried both Track
Ranger and OziExplorer? What's YOUR thoughts on the comparison between the two (ignoring the obvious price difference, but factoring that into value for money)...ExplorOz
Reply By: Scott - Sunday, Apr 13, 2003 at 18:25
Sunday, Apr 13, 2003 at 18:25
Michelle all our buses are equipped with OziExplorer and data loggers. I tried Track
Ranger on 1 trip and tried to get to grips with it, but is limited in functionality compared to OziExplorer. Value for money with OziExplorer can only be described as sensational as to date we have never paid for updates. I know a number of people that paid for Track
Ranger had problems with it and could not get it fixed and they wanted big bucks for upgrades. Anybody that did use Track
Ranger always crosses over to OziExplorer. The majority of tour bus operators use OziExplorer and data loggers to keep track of speeding and time spent driving and
places visited. Compatability of people sending tracks and waypoints is another major issue.
Value for money
Ranger = 0
OziExplorer = 10
OziExplorer wins 10/10 on functionality and features and value for money.