Back to the future

Submitted: Friday, Feb 16, 2007 at 23:01
ThreadID: 42401 Views:3086 Replies:8 FollowUps:21
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Having tried some of the new fangled stuff over the years (like tubeless tyres and electric winches etc etc) I am no going back to where I started from.

1. I have flogged the roofrack

2. I have lightened the load in the GQ to carrying only the fridge, my tools, some spares, 20lts water, trolley jack and swag.

3. I have dumped the tubeless tyres for Offroad work and have gone back to splits and crossplies

4. I have flogged the spotties

5. I am going to flog the electric winch and will buy a Tirfor again

6. I am carrying all my camping gear and spare fuel and water in my trailer

7. GPS, Laptop and digi camera will remain

The GQ feels so much 'lighter' and the fuel economy has improved by 20%.

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Reply By: Footloose - Friday, Feb 16, 2007 at 23:19

Friday, Feb 16, 2007 at 23:19
No roof rack. No climbing up and down, C of G lower now, so you can do bends at speed :)) I never liked racks after seeing a few "incidents" caused by overloaded /poorly loaded ones. My rack used to cost me around 1mpg fuel economy I sold it years ago.

Glad to see the fridge didn't go. There's a lot to be said for ice cream on the CSR :)

Spotties gone ? Economy measure, or ...??? As I get older I need all the light I can get when making for camp at the end of a long day.

Hand winch ? You need to be fit ...but I guess you would rarely use a winch anyway ?

I wonder if the trailer has also had a "load makeover"?

AnswerID: 222220

Follow Up By: Willem - Friday, Feb 16, 2007 at 23:27

Friday, Feb 16, 2007 at 23:27

Spotties? I don't travel around at night so they are of no value whatsoever

The bloody electric winch failed me the other day when I needed it most. I used a mates handwinch to get me out. Yes, I don't need a winch that often but the exercise would do me some good should I need

Trailer is still being kept around the 750kg mark. It has gone back to spring under instead of spring over.

Its all a big and expensive learning curve.
FollowupID: 483033

Follow Up By: Footloose - Friday, Feb 16, 2007 at 23:42

Friday, Feb 16, 2007 at 23:42
Willem, I don't usually charge around the bush at night either. Just because I did most of the Kidson at night ....well thats another story :))

I've found that sometimes I continue driving if the animals arent bad and I cant find a decent camp or am making for a town or a particular spot. I guess its poor planning and choice of companions on my behalf :))

I'm actually buying a new set of spots for the B'ville tourist trip. I'll be booking beds and if delayed I might have to make a dash in the dark. Hate doing it but it happens.
FollowupID: 483039

Follow Up By: Willem - Friday, Feb 16, 2007 at 23:58

Friday, Feb 16, 2007 at 23:58

You make your life too complicated......:-D
FollowupID: 483042

Follow Up By: Member - Pedro the One (QLD) - Sunday, Feb 18, 2007 at 03:35

Sunday, Feb 18, 2007 at 03:35
Hi Willem ........
I'm with you on 'keeping it simple' ............ what was your reasoning behind reverting back to 'springs under ' rather than over.

As mentioned in another thread, I have 'springeded over' on my camping trailer, but that was in order to raise the neccessary inches to fit Troopy wheels . Which worked a treat!

Regards ........ Pedro
FollowupID: 483246

Follow Up By: Member - Pedro the One (QLD) - Sunday, Feb 18, 2007 at 03:39

Sunday, Feb 18, 2007 at 03:39
Ooooops !!!

Just found the reason further down the thread !
FollowupID: 483247

Reply By: Bonz (Vic) - Friday, Feb 16, 2007 at 23:21

Friday, Feb 16, 2007 at 23:21
Willem, you troglodyte you, I know exactly what u mean, I cleared out all the stuff from the patrol the other week, and vacuumed out about 40kg of dust and its never gone so well
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AnswerID: 222222

Follow Up By: Willem - Friday, Feb 16, 2007 at 23:29

Friday, Feb 16, 2007 at 23:29
Thanks for the compliment, Bonz....:-D
FollowupID: 483035

Follow Up By: Member - Jeff H (QLD) - Saturday, Feb 17, 2007 at 00:14

Saturday, Feb 17, 2007 at 00:14
Stock up an head bush, Transvestite (No No! That's not the word. But it means much the same to the After -moneyers). How dare you speak such words?
Willem, your words re winch dismay me so!! (We snuck out an bought a Big Haul winch a while back, while we saved up for the Real Thing: Damn, on your account alone, we shan't load the Soft roader much more on the front axle. instead, we chuck the snow chains in the back).
FollowupID: 483043

Follow Up By: Bonz (Vic) - Saturday, Feb 17, 2007 at 07:43

Saturday, Feb 17, 2007 at 07:43
U r welcome Willem, u know I mean that with love, I would love to do a trip with you, but i am not sure if either me or my Patrol would survive, oh well maybe one day
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FollowupID: 483063

Follow Up By: Member No 1- Saturday, Feb 17, 2007 at 11:01

Saturday, Feb 17, 2007 at 11:01
wonder if he tossed the porta potty
FollowupID: 483102

Follow Up By: nowimnumberone - Saturday, Feb 17, 2007 at 18:12

Saturday, Feb 17, 2007 at 18:12
the porta potty went ages ago after the police threatened to charge him because he was driving with it on his lap hahaha
FollowupID: 483167

Follow Up By: Member No 1- Sunday, Feb 18, 2007 at 09:46

Sunday, Feb 18, 2007 at 09:46
FollowupID: 483265

Reply By: V8Diesel - Friday, Feb 16, 2007 at 23:43

Friday, Feb 16, 2007 at 23:43
Willem, best thing you'll ever do. Marketing and internet experts keep telling us we need all this rubbish. Stick to the K.I.S.S. principal.

How's the knee going?

AnswerID: 222227

Follow Up By: Willem - Friday, Feb 16, 2007 at 23:56

Friday, Feb 16, 2007 at 23:56

Knees are going well and I manage a short walk with the dog every morning.
Getting out of bed is the
FollowupID: 483041

Follow Up By: Dave198 - Saturday, Feb 17, 2007 at 00:31

Saturday, Feb 17, 2007 at 00:31
attach the dog to your arm before you go to bed and he will get you up in the morning when he goes for his walk.

FollowupID: 483044

Follow Up By: Willem - Monday, Feb 19, 2007 at 09:44

Monday, Feb 19, 2007 at 09:44
Yes Dave

No need for the attachment. Dog comes to wake me up when its

Cheers mate
FollowupID: 483458

Reply By: Member - Doug T (W.A) - Saturday, Feb 17, 2007 at 01:40

Saturday, Feb 17, 2007 at 01:40
You been chatting to Michael J. Fox
gift by Daughter

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AnswerID: 222238

Follow Up By: Willem - Saturday, Feb 17, 2007 at 15:07

Saturday, Feb 17, 2007 at 15:07
No, but to Michael J (SA)
FollowupID: 483130

Reply By: Member - Michael J (SA) - Saturday, Feb 17, 2007 at 11:11

Saturday, Feb 17, 2007 at 11:11
Will now be able to fit in more 'white lightning'.........LOL LOL

-and a bit more exercise on the Tirfor will make you, once again, trim, taut and lol lol

AnswerID: 222269

Follow Up By: Willem - Monday, Feb 19, 2007 at 09:46

Monday, Feb 19, 2007 at 09:46
Yes a new bottle of High Octane has arrived from across the waters. I have to retrieve it from Alice Springs tho. Might be that way in winter.

FollowupID: 483460

Reply By: jdpatrol - Saturday, Feb 17, 2007 at 16:49

Saturday, Feb 17, 2007 at 16:49
All very interesting. I know you have been travelling far and wide with a trailer, but how does that go for you in steep country, over difficult dunes etc. I know you can't put 12 jerry cans and the rest of it on a roof rack but what do you do when you get stuck half way up a dune with a trailer and have to back down it some how. I never got interested in a trailer setup because of this. Also, why the change with the trailer axle? Regards JD
AnswerID: 222312

Follow Up By: Willem - Saturday, Feb 17, 2007 at 17:21

Saturday, Feb 17, 2007 at 17:21

Most of my trekking has been on even surfaces and not in the High Country, although I have been up some steep pinches. The best is to evaluate how difficult a climb may be and if you need to go there with a trailer in tow.

All my years of travelling I was against trailers but overloading the towing vehicle has changed my view. It makes for easier camping towing a trailer and the weight is freed from the tow vehilce. I take the trailer anywhere the truck will go. I make sure that in desert country both truck and trailer run low tyre pressures and I drive according to the terrain. The GQ has heaps of low down torque and most Simpson Desert track dunes can be handled in High Range. Offtrack I revert to Low Range 2nd/3rd. I suppose it is experience that counts. I do still make mistakes however and one has to be vigilant at all I have been down inclines and other places where I have had to reverse out and that has made for some interesting driving. One has to have lots of patience. I have only been bogged once on top of a dune. I dropped the tyre pressure to 9psi all round and drove out. I have had to reverse down a dune twice after selecting the wrong gear for the terrain. In that scenario one has to make sure the trailer is going straight and not worry about what precarious angle the vehicle is at...:-D

In my opinion, the Springover setup put more rigid pressure on to the trailer leaf springs and that, in the end, caused a U-bolt to snap. Initially I was afraid that with 240lts of fuel on board p;us all camping gear, I would not have enough wheel clearance from the wheel guards and did the springover. I have now proved that to myself, to be incorrect. Fully loaded(maybe 800kg all up) the wheels still have 60mm travel before touching the guard.

I still have to test my skinny tyres on splits out in the desert country with the trailer in tow and will be doing so sometime this year. It remains to be seen how efficient I can drive the dunes in comparison to the wide tubeless tyres.


FollowupID: 483158

Follow Up By: jdpatrol - Saturday, Feb 17, 2007 at 17:41

Saturday, Feb 17, 2007 at 17:41
Response much appreciated Willem. Good luck with it all. JD
FollowupID: 483163

Reply By: Member - bushfix - Monday, Feb 19, 2007 at 08:15

Monday, Feb 19, 2007 at 08:15
G'day mate,

similar to the setup I now have. this year marks a big change in that all six of us will be going away together more rather than only four of us. I have a 6x4 off-road trailer now with customer gal canopy with gas strutted full length doors. one side is the kitchen, other can be for storage of larger, lighter things, or sleeping quarters for the kids, all four can comfortably fit there. Box section underneath is for the heavier things. Spare fuel can sit in front of the canopy above the spare tyre on the drawbar. I too wondered about the sprihgover but will hold off, six good leaves and a rebound, shocks too. ATM 750kg, it has no brakes so aim to keep it as light as possible instead of filling every space becuase I can. Always like to leave a little bit of room for firewood or stuff you pick up along the way in or out of a town as you do.

The vehicle has my fridge, two water jerries with tap, large drawer for whatever and a spare shelf. The rest is taken up by the mob so the cabin is that much more roomy and the vehicle less stressed.

By the way, how will you be securing the tirfor in the trailer? I just have mine (and cable) in a heavy canvas bag at present but am looking to have more secure stowage for it.

kind regards,

AnswerID: 222612

Follow Up By: Willem - Monday, Feb 19, 2007 at 09:43

Monday, Feb 19, 2007 at 09:43
G'day Jeremy

Looks like you have a good set-up there.

I haven't figured out where I will put the Tirfor but I might make up a metal box where the electric winch used to sit. I do not have the Tirfor yet. Will let you know(if I when I have it all sorted.

FollowupID: 483457

Follow Up By: Member - bushfix - Monday, Feb 19, 2007 at 09:57

Monday, Feb 19, 2007 at 09:57
goodoh, will let you know if I come up with a good idea for it. i'm still smiling that you've gone back to the Tirfor, they are a good bit of gear that's for sure. Maybe you can get performance chipped for easier operation....:)
FollowupID: 483462

Reply By: Truckster. - Monday, Feb 19, 2007 at 10:39

Monday, Feb 19, 2007 at 10:39
You wanna buy a Tirfor I hear?? I just happen to have one forsale :D
fuel economy would have improved by just ditching the parachute (roofrack!) and the cheese cutters
AnswerID: 222635

Follow Up By: Willem - Monday, Feb 19, 2007 at 18:42

Monday, Feb 19, 2007 at 18:42
I will catch up with you soon, then

You must have a garage full of
FollowupID: 483556

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