My Garmin Nuvi 660 test
Submitted: Monday, Jan 01, 2007 at 22:47
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Member - Doug T (W.A)
Here is my report and
test on my Nuvi 660, just one word Brilliant,I went for a drive to Mt Dale S32 07 32.4 E116 17 56.7 just up off the
Brookton Road into the forests , it performed extra good, I met a bloke in a Jeep ,he had a Navman,model ??? ,he got it in
Sydney , he said none of these tracks are on it , Garmin has all the tracks in the area,
With the photo facility on the SD card I copied photo's of the various intersections up there with Google Earth, put them on the SD card, give them a code name and made waypoints to match of the same site on the Garmin software on the Computer, uploaded them to the GPS ,when I got to a waypoint I opened the photo for the site on the screen , works wonderful.There was a bit of severe corrugation , the unit sat along side the Quest and did not move [see photos in link] and all the time it was playing MP3s and paused the music to give directions over the FM Radio
S32 07 32.4 E116 17 56.7
Mount Dale
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