Sunday, Nov 26, 2006 at 13:42
Hi Exploder.
I think your
Booked by some F**k of a cop at 5:10am
might have pushed a button with PK.
the roadworks are being done along a long - prob over 20km at times - of the main southern freeway from
Perth city and south so that a railway can be built down the middle of the freeway - or in between the two carriageways is a better way of saying it. It's been going on for years it seems, and still with a year to go most likely. Road signage and the speeds zonings have been highly contraversial and
well documented over the entire project - with a lot of slow, fast, a bit slower, fast, very slow sections, lane realigning - it's all just a real big headache. Certainly some of the deviations and speed zones just don't make any sense and it's easy to see why people get really cranky at things that have been going on for so long, really disruptive and not appearing to make sense.
You gotta admit that for all the good coppers around, there are some that do things that don't help build a public perception they are there for the safety of all. I'm not chucking stones, I'm a social worker so my profession also suffers from the damned if you do, damned if you don't mentality.
I'm fortunate to not have to drive that section more than once a fortnight or so, but for an excitable chap - it'd play on your mind for sure.