Caravan Poor Build Quality
Submitted: Tuesday, Jul 11, 2006 at 20:43
This Thread has been Archived
Tahiti Blue
Are there any dis-satisfied new caravan owners out there who are feeling let down with the shoddy workmanship and poor build quality of their brand new caravans? Was your warranty claim honoured or were you given the brush off? Have you suffered dis-interest by the dealers once they have taken your money? I would like to hear about this concerning issue, because I am positive that I can't be the only one in Oz to suffer this problem
Reply By: Bilbo - Wednesday, Jul 12, 2006 at 00:08
Wednesday, Jul 12, 2006 at 00:08
Tahiti Blue,
It seems to be a problem right through the caravan industry.
Mine is a Supreme Getaway Offroader. The build quality was shocking. I complained and got most of the stuff done under warranty - after they had 3 goes at getting it right!
I did some of jobs myself as I wasn't confident about the dealers abilty to make my van "bushproof" - as I like 'em to be.
It doesn't matter what brand you buy they all seem to end being FIATs. "Fix It Again Tony"!!
The biggest issue is the lack of quality workmen. These days they just drag a a
young guy off the street and tell him to "stick a screw in there". The next guy does the next screw!
The old saying still holds true - "If you want something done properly, then do it yerself."
Follow Up By: ross - Wednesday, Jul 12, 2006 at 00:31
Wednesday, Jul 12, 2006 at 00:31
Very true. I know of someone who was thrown into fitting out large vans without supervision on their 1st day.
"No experience necessary"the ad says. Should have added "No training provided either"
Reply By: squiz - Wednesday, Jul 12, 2006 at 02:54
Wednesday, Jul 12, 2006 at 02:54
Before I bought my 22foot all roads caravan,I found nobody
complaining about Evernew vans. Bruce can build just about
anything you want, and once you pay your money he dosen't
ingnore you. So I guess this is a good story.
Follow Up By: Member - Ian W (NSW) - Wednesday, Jul 12, 2006 at 08:32
Wednesday, Jul 12, 2006 at 08:32
Squiz, Can you give some contact info for Evernew, Ive been unable to track them down.
Reply By: Peter - Wednesday, Jul 12, 2006 at 09:31
Wednesday, Jul 12, 2006 at 09:31
Not a new complaint - have a look at the MSN Caravanners
Forum, Traveller rate a special mention including photos.
I have just purchased a 23' Roadstar and the only issues I have with it at the moment are small items the dealer forgot to advise Roadstar of. I made a post on the Caravanners
Forum about the Roadstar and next day received a phone call from the warranty manager in
Melbourne. He advised me he had spoken with the dealer (on the basis of my
Forum post) and all the issues would be resolved. He also advised me he checks the
forum twice a day for posts. If you want to be noticed maybe post your issue there.
You'll certainly know of any unresolved issues with my van!
Follow Up By: dj Patrol - Wednesday, Jul 12, 2006 at 18:11
Wednesday, Jul 12, 2006 at 18:11
Can you give me the caravans
forum details as how to get on there
many thanks
Follow Up By: Peter - Wednesday, Jul 12, 2006 at 19:50
Wednesday, Jul 12, 2006 at 19:50
Here's the link to the caravan
forum. You will need an MSN id to post comments but that's pretty straightforward. You will find something 'interesting' comments on the site
Site Link
Reply By: Mr Fawlty - Wednesday, Jul 12, 2006 at 16:50
Wednesday, Jul 12, 2006 at 16:50
I own a Galaxy branded as a Fulcher. Had a few problems with it shower leaking, cupboard door latches not working etc mainly cosmetic things and the service I got from Fulchers under warranty WAS NOTHING SHORT OF DISGRACEFUL. Phoned Galaxy in
Melbourne, parts etc arrived in a day or so & I fixed it myself & sent Fulchers the bill, they, as one would expect, refused to pay for my time but when I indicated that I could take the matter to the small claims court I recieved payment.
It's been round
the block now and is in tip top shape...
The imported Vans seem to be of a very high build quality, I don't know how they will, in the fullness of time, withstand our conditions....
Reply By: LeeBee - Wednesday, Jul 12, 2006 at 18:30
Wednesday, Jul 12, 2006 at 18:30
I purchased a new Majestic Gold Tourer Jan 2005 (in Qld). Prior to delivery I had it raised (wanting better clearance), stabilizers replaced with drop down jacks and ordered annex walls. The day I brought it
home the pelmet over kitchen had come apart. Flimsy as it may be, they had used what appeared to be gyprock screws.
(not wood screws - I fixed it myself)
Annex walls are a joke and didn't notice until I had reason to use them 12mths later. They are too small - Obviously forgot to add extra length after we asked them to raise the van!! We have had the water filter blow a seal - messy. I was told you cannot buy a repair kit, but have to replace whole unit. Phewy, I went to auto
shop and purchased 3 different sized rubber O-rings - Fixed at total cost of 50c (not $98)
Finally one of the gas roof struts completely ceased and had to be replaced.
(not an easy task - but amazing what an old fan belt can do to help)
I just cant be bothered - I wish I hadn't sold my Goldstream offroader.
Reply By: RedGibber - Wednesday, Jul 12, 2006 at 19:48
Wednesday, Jul 12, 2006 at 19:48
Yeah unfortunately it seems to be a case of "big ain't necessarily better"!
We're going thru the throes at present of deciding which 'van we'll buy.
High on the list of preferences are Golf (already mentioned earlier), Royal Flair (waiting on a mate's report on HIS new one) and Elross (this is a small WA concern which builds vans of the same ilk as Kedron and Bushtracker - but not as expensive and closer to
home!!). At present, Elross is the maker of choice, but as we're about a year away from choofing off around Oz, we've still got a bit of time to consider all possibilities...
Reply By: Member - JJ (QLD) - Wednesday, Jul 12, 2006 at 19:55
Wednesday, Jul 12, 2006 at 19:55
We have a Jayco Outback Eagle that is just three weeks out of warranty. Since the warranty run out we have experienced:
1. The powered water pump has failed
2. The
hand pump has failed
3. The very thin ply under the seats is collapsing. (we are average weight)
4. The front boot door is jamed shut.
5. Some spots of surface rust appearing in the galv
6. We also noticed that the sink is not level with water running to the back of the drainer.
There is no doubt that the build quality leaves a lot to be desired, however, even with the above problems we are still happy with the van. We have just come back from a wonderful trip to Fraser Island where the van towed behind the Patrol beautifully. The comfort provided by the van far out-weighed the problems encountered.
We looked at dearer vans but they all had their faults. We will keep the Jayco but expect to have to give it on-going maintenance to iron the bugs out especially when taking it off main roads. The Jayco Outback would not be an option if we were tackling serious off-road adventures but is a wonderful compromise for our needs.
The dealer have always been willing and helpful with any problems we have encountered so far. My main complaint would be that it can take up to two months from the booking date, to get the problems looked at even while it was under warranty. But that is alot better than getting a brush-off.
Cheers, JJ
Reply By: Beema - Monday, Aug 07, 2006 at 11:13
Monday, Aug 07, 2006 at 11:13
Hi Tahiti Blue
Funny you should ask. At the moment we are going through some problems with our PS422 Coromal (still under warranty) - electric winch failed 3 times, stove not bolted in, both water taps and connection under van to
water tank in trouble, back bed which does not pull out properly, fibreglass roof with huge bubbles in it. In fact you name it, it is wrong with our van. We have been told it's a Friday afternoon job. In fairness to Coromal they have not refused to repair most of the problems, but a lot is just band-aids stuck on the problem and when one problem is repaired another one surfaces (does anyone remember Frank Spencer - I think he works for them). The final straw has been that they told us we're too old to own one of these vans. I'm 62 and my husband is 69 and we do extensive off-road camping with a cartopper and Toyota Landcruiser.
It's out of warranty this month, so perhaps we will have better luck fixing it ourselves. We've looked around again (on more than one occasion) since we bought the PS422 and we still come back to it as having what we want in a van. The problem appears to be - no quality control anywhere down the chain.
Reply By: Member -Dodger - Wednesday, Aug 09, 2006 at 23:24
Wednesday, Aug 09, 2006 at 23:24
Our Van, see profile is a Regal 16ft off roader Desert Series that was built in Dec 01 and since has done 60k with very little trouble. Done the GRR, Great Central, many of the NT's dirt roads plus most back roads in NSW and Qld as
well as the usual tourist spots on the east coast.
Boot lid jamming, smartcharger for batt system died,center bolt in spring broke.
Result + All fixed by manufacturer at no cost and no probs.
This included a window being replaced at no cost. The window was broken in Broom by some kids on push bikes going silly. The window was poorly reglassed at Karatha and when the manufacturer saw the fix it was replaced as I said no charge.
Result, I can Recomend Regal Caravans.
Tyres are starting to show the wear and will be replaced very soon ready for the next big trip.