OK Had Enough

Submitted: Saturday, Jun 17, 2006 at 11:29
ThreadID: 35010 Views:2461 Replies:6 FollowUps:5
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Hi all, ok had a wheel alighnment this morning, done by Pro-Axle, no bent diff housing on the front end of the hilux, so has to be an internal problem. What do you think should be the next step taken, eg new spindle bush etc, spoke to a few 4wd specialist and they said strip down do again, was told by a mate that there is special tool to alighn axle dead centre but every where I rang does not have this type of tool so that the shims can be adjusted spot on, most said just do it by eye or some even said that even if the shims are out it's not enough to cause the oil leak, want to do this write so I dont have to pull down again, do I just bite the bullet and get a complete new spindle from ebay $110 including bronze spindle bush or is there some thing else I need to do first. Any help will be greatly appreciated on this matter cause I dont want to have to pull apart again for a looooong time 3 times in the last 6 months is enough thankyou coming up for the 4th. Regards Steve M
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Reply By: Billowaggi - Saturday, Jun 17, 2006 at 23:30

Saturday, Jun 17, 2006 at 23:30
Hi Stephen, The brass bush is a cheap item from 4wd parts supplier [try Don Kyatt] take the new bush along with stub axle [spindle] and drive shaft to any good machining shop and get them to fit the bush and ream to size, to do both sides should take less than an hour of labour.Checking and replacement if required of this bush is standard procedure when servicing the swivel housings. Believe me I have done dozens of them. Usually only Toyota dealers will have the tool to centralise the swivel housing but I think it would rarely be used. As I mentioned in a previous post this is a trouble area that Toyota fixed in later models by fitting a needle roller bearing in place of the bush. No I do not think you can retrofit the needle bearing to your model!
Regards Ken.
AnswerID: 179017

Follow Up By: Member - Stephen M (NSW) - Sunday, Jun 18, 2006 at 02:19

Sunday, Jun 18, 2006 at 02:19
Thanks Ken, I will follow up on monnday, the one on ebay has the bush already installed, or do you think I just need to get the bush alone and have it fitted to the old spindle, maybe the cost will work out the same by the time they get old bush out and press new one in, I presume thats what would have to be done, only doing one side, the passengers side has no problem.Is it worth taking the axle with me and getting checked out as well to make sure its not bent and to make sure there is no grove in it, cant see it by the eye, so am presuming its ok,and cant feel any groves in it, was told it's very rare for the drivers side to bend as it is the shorter of the two,was also told to fit the seal to the axle prior to replacment to make sure that where it runs on the axle and is a firm fit. Regards Steve M
FollowupID: 435310

Reply By: Billowaggi - Sunday, Jun 18, 2006 at 23:19

Sunday, Jun 18, 2006 at 23:19
Hi Stephen, this is a bit strange ,I did a lengthy reply to your post this morning and it was definately posted but it seems to have been removed. The jist was, bushes less than $20 ,easy to remove just split with a small cold chizel.You must take the drive shaft with you as it is needed for the size, bushes may not even need reaming, bushes in spindles from ebay may also need to be reamed.
Regards kEN.
AnswerID: 179137

Follow Up By: Member - Stephen M (NSW) - Monday, Jun 19, 2006 at 17:42

Monday, Jun 19, 2006 at 17:42
Thanks Ken, I spoke to windsor toyota today they do have the tool for alighnment but want get this $900 to do the job on one side only, what a joke, rang an old mate of mine today who is a mechanic and he told me to pull axle out and send to him an he will send away to be checked to make sure it's not bent, he said he has never seen a bent axle on the drivers side due to it been the shorter of the 2 but any thing is possible, so looks like I will strip down this week and get axle checked to see if thats ok or bent, problem is you here so many things like its the shims, then the next bloke says no cant be that wouldnt allow that much movement to leak,the next blokes like yeah that will make it leak, then its the bush wont cause it to leak then others say yes it will, I'm not a mechanic by any means I do have some mechanical knowledge,but stuff like this gets the better of me and like any body else im getting to the stage of stuff it and sell it but then I think well I could end up with same problem on another one and back to square one, problem is its such a bleep ty job as well, I know some times its a matter or proccess of elimination to find a fault, like some one said to me go and buy another diff housing but that could be the same, then I rang a specialist 4wd mob, na we dont use the tool something to do with the amount of force/pressure what ever he meant by that I have no idea,then he said to me the diff must be bent I said na had a wheel alighnment done on saturday and he confirmed diffs not bent, then he said to me wheel alighnment wont tell you whether its bent or not, but most blokes on here said by getting an alighnment done will definately tell you wehther its bent or not. So yeah will strip down and go from there, sorry to rave on but starting now to really bleep s me off and dont like to keep asking my mates all the time they have better things to do with there time. Will keep you informed of whats happening if I dont put a match to it first. Regards Steve M
FollowupID: 435526

Reply By: Billowaggi - Monday, Jun 19, 2006 at 23:22

Monday, Jun 19, 2006 at 23:22
Hi Stephen, Dont give up now! My 80 ser. has been leaking from left side for about three years, Im afraid its a mechanic 'thing' I just dont really feel like facing my own vehicle on a weekend after fixing other peoples all week! Also at the moment it is not a big prob as the oil is not getting to the brakes....yet. Mine is a standard so with the hubs out none of the internals is turning . Getting back to that bush, if is is worn it will let the CV joint and the shaft move up and down in the housing [depending how much wear there is] as the only support is the diff gears on the inside and the drive hub or free wheeling hub on the outside. Each time you go from drive to overdrive that CV shaft will move up or down in the housing. A GXL with a couple of hundred thou, kilometers on the clock will exhibit a fair bit of wear in the support bushes.
Regards Ken.
AnswerID: 179367

Follow Up By: Member - Stephen M (NSW) - Tuesday, Jun 20, 2006 at 17:48

Tuesday, Jun 20, 2006 at 17:48
Hi there Ken,was also told today to check the hub locking mechanism make sure thats not worn as when you lock the hub in these 2 parts are then locked and that could also cause the problem but I dont think so as it has to go through the spindle bush first and if that is not worn than it wont move in the hub part either, as I said Im not a mechanic but have a rough idea of what goes on in there.I am ringing a 4wd specialist tomorrow in regards to the bush and see wether its just easier for me to take it down there and get them to do the job as at least if it still leaks after then I can take it back and tell them to have another go without it costing me again and also he would have to replace brake pads as well, or do you think I should get a complete new spindle, bush and all and redo the job again fitting all new gaskets seal etc , question also does the spindle itself ware out or is it just the bush, dont mind paying the $$$ if it requires new spindle as well but I cant really see how the spindle would ware out or do they crack and that would be the only need to replace it,thanks alot for your time and answers on this matter !!! Regards Steve M
FollowupID: 435707

Reply By: arewelost - Tuesday, Jun 20, 2006 at 01:09

Tuesday, Jun 20, 2006 at 01:09
if it is scubbing the tyre inside or the out side castoline bearings used to be available i don't know if they still are but if they are they were made in 1 degree incriments up to about 15 degree you replace the upper or lower to suit these are installed where the hub pivots on the ball in perth they used to be sold thru pbr girlock
hope it helps
AnswerID: 179379

Follow Up By: Member - Stephen M (NSW) - Tuesday, Jun 20, 2006 at 17:37

Tuesday, Jun 20, 2006 at 17:37
Hi there arewelost, na tyres are ok not scrubbing done 35k on them now never rotated them and where I live there is not a straight road in the place my commodore feathers more than the hilux, was also told today to check the hub locking mechanism make sure thats not worn as when you lock the hub in these 2 parts are then locked and that could also cause the problem but I dont think so as it has to go through the spindle bush first and if that is not worn than it wont move in the hub part either, as I said Im not a mechanic but have a rough idea of what goes on in there. Regards Steve M
FollowupID: 435698

Reply By: Billowaggi - Tuesday, Jun 20, 2006 at 22:33

Tuesday, Jun 20, 2006 at 22:33
Question! if that spindle bush was not a problem area, WHY would a tight fisted outfit like Toyota Motor Co spend a squillion dollars re tooling the front axle drive set up to take a needle roller bearing rather than a brass bush ?
AnswerID: 179564

Follow Up By: Member - Stephen M (NSW) - Tuesday, Jun 20, 2006 at 22:59

Tuesday, Jun 20, 2006 at 22:59
Point taken there Ken, Agree with you, I dont think some of those mechanics no a mini from a mac truck, mind you I think alot of the young blokes that work at these work shops are thrown in the deep end and just hope they get it right with out been shown, I know everyone has to learn some how but they should have a fully qualified mechanic at there sides showing them the right way, another thought come to me tonight Ken on this matter, I would imagine that by me having the swivel hus bearings replaced 6 months ago I presume that the top bearing would cop most of the weight etc and this I imagine would wear down over a period of time which would also cause the bush to wear down as well, So my question is if now I have replaced the swivel hub bearings would this have lifted the swivel hub up causing the axle not be central in that brass bush as the bush would have worn with the bearing but as said now new bearings in there is too much free play in bush which to me leads back to your answer of replacing the bush,or am I way out here, but as asked before would I need to replace the whole spindle or just the bush, does the spindle itself ware out or is this only replaced if it breaks etc, got a price from toyota today $257 for the spindle or $110 off ebay or am I wasting $$ and only need to replace the bush into the old spindle. Regards Steve M
FollowupID: 435786

Reply By: Billowaggi - Wednesday, Jun 21, 2006 at 08:56

Wednesday, Jun 21, 2006 at 08:56
Hi Stephen, The spindle does not usually need replacement as normally it has no wearing parts apart from the bush which can be replaced. The only thing that can damage a spindle is a colapsed wheel bearing [this will be obvious scoring or gouging of the diameters where the bearings sit] or physical damage to the threads. I suppose also crash damage could bend it but this can be checked by spinning in a lathe.
Regards Ken.
AnswerID: 179619

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