Services for your car on a trip
Submitted: Wednesday, Jun 14, 2006 at 15:34
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Member - The Crow (QLD)
Hi everybody, am on a trip around Aust and have been looking for
places to get my Nissan Patrol serviced so far I can recomend 2
places Duttons Nissan In
Murray bridge and Tyre Power at
Carnarvon. Duttons were great and went out of their way to get the oil I use from
Adelaide and I still had the car by 2.30pm which is great when you are on a trip and want to get on the road.
| 200 Series V8 Diesel
Thanks for the Rest Flying West and Flying Very Low along the track not coming back. The CrowLifetime Member My Profile My Blog Send Message |
Reply By: Member - Oldplodder (QLD) - Wednesday, Jun 14, 2006 at 16:03
Wednesday, Jun 14, 2006 at 16:03
Good point,
Hadn't thought too much about servicing on a trip.
I normally only have an oil change to do, and I carry enough engine oil for a complete change anyway just in case, and a spare filter.
I usually just call into a garage some where and get them to do it for me.
Not too environmentally friendly these days to jsut drop the oil on the side fo the road and do it. :-)
But a trip of more than one oil change usually requires more.
Thanks for the recommendation.
Reply By: David from David and Justine Olsen's 4WD Tag-Along - Wednesday, Jun 14, 2006 at 17:30
Wednesday, Jun 14, 2006 at 17:30
The problem arises when you have an extended warranty like I do and it must be serviced by the dealer and your trip is long enough that you need a service. Easily solved in my case, I invited the dealer's operations manager ( a mechanic) along for the trip :-)
Theres more than one way to skin a cat :-)
Follow Up By: Old Scalyback & denny - Wednesday, Jun 14, 2006 at 17:43
Wednesday, Jun 14, 2006 at 17:43
or do it yourself and get bro in law to stamp book when you return
if i get lazy i stay away from the dealers my wallets not big enough if its a simple service there is normally someone around to do it and still use the right oils