iPAQ Battery Problem??

Submitted: Wednesday, Apr 19, 2006 at 09:33
ThreadID: 33029 Views:2025 Replies:5 FollowUps:0
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Morning all
Running a HP iPAQ hx2110 Pocket Pc PDA. With the thing charged to 100%- and I let it sit, switched OFF, after a week the battery drops to about 60%. Is this normal, or is the battery stuffed??
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Reply By: Member - Fred L (NSW) - Wednesday, Apr 19, 2006 at 09:56

Wednesday, Apr 19, 2006 at 09:56
We use hx2000's at work and if we just leave them the batterey slowly run out. One thing that is suggetsed by hp is to set the automatic sync to manual for both peak times and off peak times. The book says "selecting automatic syncronization can cause your iPAQ Pocket PC to wake up regularly causing your battery to drain".

Also - it is suggested that when not in use leave it connected to AC power at all times.

AnswerID: 167752

Reply By: agsmky - Wednesday, Apr 19, 2006 at 09:59

Wednesday, Apr 19, 2006 at 09:59

Got an IPAQ rx3715.......my understanding is that is not an OFF button, rather a standby button. Hence the quick startup!

This is normal.....check in the settings==>system==>power area (IIRC) for setting for standby.

AnswerID: 167753

Reply By: TerraFirma - Wednesday, Apr 19, 2006 at 12:07

Wednesday, Apr 19, 2006 at 12:07
Check your settings, this sounds normal. You may have things consuming current in standby mode, diaries, calendar events all sorts of things that will do this. They are only very small batteries so they will drop anyhow. You may also want to check how this is being charged, by an AC charger or USB charger. I have found discrepancies between these and how they charge the battery. My Ipod battery lasts longer when charged by the AC Charger as apposed to the USB charger.? Otherwise all sounds normal
AnswerID: 167777

Reply By: Member - Ozdyssey (QLD) - Wednesday, Apr 19, 2006 at 20:05

Wednesday, Apr 19, 2006 at 20:05
Whatever you do don't bother ringing HP customer service because I think they have been outsourced to the same country Telstra uses.

I was transferred from pillar to post for an hour, over a 50c part, and all the accents were the same. If you're a customer they provide zero service and even throw in a 'how dare you call, p.i.s.s. off we don't give a stuff, you're just a PITA' attitude to boot.

These companies have stopped listening to the marketing dept and more to the cost cutting gurus. It will be their downfall.

To answer you question I have always left the Ipaqs on AC and never had a problem.

ahh... that feels better

AnswerID: 167885

Reply By: Member - Darren T (VIC) - Wednesday, Apr 19, 2006 at 20:07

Wednesday, Apr 19, 2006 at 20:07
I have a HP5400, this seems to be a normal thing. I think it uses battery power to hold memory, for waking the Pocket Pc for alarms, appointments, time etc etc.
If you don`t think you will use it for a period of time it is better to leave it on the charger, and do regular system back ups.
If yours is anything like mine, when it goes dead flat it wipes all your added files and programs from it and returns to factory settings. The only things it retains is the contacts file and appointments .

AnswerID: 167886

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