Kneed It - emergency repairs
Submitted: Saturday, Mar 25, 2006 at 10:05
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Member - Norm C (QLD)
Have seen a number of references to Kneed It on other posts about what to carry on remote trips. I am familiar with the stuff and have used it for emergency repairs to water pipes and tanks on a small
farm I had a few years ago. But what else is it good for?
How does it go in the heat for emergency repair to a radiator?
How does it go (ie will it take) with diesel fuel for emergency repairs to a fuel tank?
Other uses?
Norm C
Reply By: Bob Y. - Qld - Saturday, Mar 25, 2006 at 12:21
Saturday, Mar 25, 2006 at 12:21
Reckon this would be one of the first things put in the toolkit, if heading off on a trip. CRC make one called "Minute- Mend". Selleys used to make a stuff called "Epoxy Ribbon", which was similar, and nearly as good.
Have used them on radiator, and it lasted for at least 2 years, until we sold the truck. Feel it would work with diesel, but due to diesel's wicking habit, the seal mightn't be 100%.
Have seen similar products used to seal holes in
bore casing, make small tool handles, and seal cracks in fuel lines. Understand you can drill and tap it, to accept a bolt, screw etc.
Reply By: Kenell - Saturday, Mar 25, 2006 at 16:06
Saturday, Mar 25, 2006 at 16:06
I have seen it used on a diesel fuel tank. It had a gash in it about 8cm long and perhaps 4 or 5 mm wide. We managed to get the vehicle on enough angle to allow the area around the hole to dry. We then applied the u kneed it and allowed it to set onite. We were over 8,000ks from
home and about 1,000ks from any help. We put fuel into the tank and it held without a drip. About a week later we noticed it was losing about a litre a day but that was cheaper than getting it fixed. Once it got
home I believe it was patched with more of the same product and I suspect it is still there!!! I put some in my kit as soon as I got
home. I sincerely hope the purchase was a waste of money but if I need it I suspect it will be worth it's weight in gold.
Good luck