Hilux fault code diagnosis

Submitted: Friday, Feb 24, 2006 at 20:20
ThreadID: 31119 Views:17380 Replies:3 FollowUps:1
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Hi all,

Can anyone help me with extracting the fault codes from my 12/98 3RZ-FE 2.7L petrol dual cab hilux? The ellery manual says that I need to short terminals TE1 and E1 in the check connector but my vehicle's check connector only has wiring to terminals +B, E1, AB and Tc - no TE1! I assume that I need to short E1 and some other terminal but without knowing whcih one I am reluctant to give it a go (and end up in a cloud of smoke...)

I have the codes so when I extract them I am all set - but first I need to extract the codes.....any help appreciated.

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