Wednesday, Feb 22, 2006 at 13:10
Ray, yes the eyes are sore L0L
I've increased the size of the picture to assist the vision and it appears to show the fridge never turned off in the first 4 1/2 hours of the
test, because the temp lines are straight once the fridge gets down to the required temperature and in some tests it actually states the fridge never turned off for the duration of the
test as the fridge was running 100% of the time.
In the top left
test the Engel fridge took ~20 mins to get down to +5 from +20 in a cool ambient of only 25 degrees and the fridge never turned off in the following 4 1/2 hours at least.
The temperature variation numbers shown in the Engel MT45F fridge information appears to be showing the wrong (incorrect) numbers, each setting appears to represent very different degrees of variation between each setting number.
Eg; the temperature variation between both positions one and also position five is stated as 3 degrees, position three is unclear to me but appears to be either zero to -1, or it could be zero to -11, therefore position two would be ~6 degree and position four is either 10 or 20 degree?
This information indicates the fridge should be run on position “two” to keep the contents between +5 and zero degrees which is with-in the recommended temperature of the health dept for safe storage of food
(Ummm, and yes beer, L0L)