Watagan State Forest Draft Plan - CLOSURE

Submitted: Thursday, Feb 16, 2006 at 23:39
ThreadID: 30860 Views:2216 Replies:2 FollowUps:1
This Thread has been Archived
For all those who frequest the watagans area, a new draft plan has just comeout that will take effect in 90 days. I havnt found it on the NPWS web site yet but the plans include closing down a heap of the good tracks in the are the the extend that only bush walkers will be allowed not even push bike's

tracks due for closure include
Slipery Rock
Rope Rd
Whitmans Lane
Zig Zags
And more

In addition to this as you know there is a planned extension of the gardens of stome NP that will include closure of many tracks in the newnes area.

It is time, we need to get a working group together and do something about this. If we dont get serious and lobby the Govt then within 5 years there will be no tracks left to drive on except graded dirt roads

I will pass this on the Jon Jenkins for started and the association, but I would like any interested people to email me at adam@my4x4.com.au to get together a working group to start lobbying the govt and getting decent media exposre.

Our recreation is safe and legitimate and closing down parks etc from real public use is not what we want for our children

Lets start aproaching this problem in a positive manner and work together with the association and Jon Jenkins
Heres the thread (ps. you need to be a member on OL)
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Reply By: Member JD- Friday, Feb 17, 2006 at 06:36

Friday, Feb 17, 2006 at 06:36
Hi Truckster,
There are people busily worky now behind the scenes to try and stop these unfair rerstrictions on our recreational 4 WD..but as you can imagine its like trying to stop a train with a rock,did I say rock I meant pebble,you get my drift..I'm actively involved by association...etc..pm me and I will give you a contact no..and we will see what happens from there.
AnswerID: 155493

Reply By: Axle - Friday, Feb 17, 2006 at 21:10

Friday, Feb 17, 2006 at 21:10
Hi Truckster.
Understand what you want to acheive Its all good. But i think theres a big problem looming in popular recreational areas , and thats the volume of traffic on weekends. Areas like the watagans are just unbeleviable on a sunday , everyone that owns anything that looks like a 4wd is up there.(live 30mins away). The tracks you mention are great but due to guys wanting to prove themselves and machine, end result( enviromental Damage) The days of a scenic bush track drive are diminising. Not sure what the answer is.

Cheers Axle
AnswerID: 155638

Follow Up By: Truckster (Vic) - Saturday, Feb 18, 2006 at 11:18

Saturday, Feb 18, 2006 at 11:18
All im doin is passing on the message from elsewhere.

im in Melb. but our time looms when the greens get the controlling vote this year, we are doomed to end up like NSW..
FollowupID: 409693

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