Not quiet on the subject, but I bet it makes a lot of people angry too.

Submitted: Thursday, Dec 22, 2005 at 18:53
ThreadID: 29089 Views:2681 Replies:9 FollowUps:14
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We have here in Brisbane/ Browns Plains a lawn mower shop which looks like the Hilton with an extra star..... yes a Lawn mower shop.
Anyway we bought a few years back a Husqavarna Ride on mower ( they make good bikes so I thought surely they make good mowers).
The fanbelt snapped and off I go to the Hilton mower shor. $75 for a 63inch fanbelt.WOW
Ok I thought that is Husqavarna stuff. The next one broke and I went to Tradtools and bought a belt for $13........hmmm......much better.( still got that one)
My mower has a Brigg and Stratton 12.5hp motor.
Yesterday I thought I do something nice for my ride on and bought a new airfilter( just the element) with foam pre filter. The whole thing fits in my pocket.
And now comes the hammer......... I just paid $53 for a little Briggs and Stratton airfilter.
I'm getting real bleep ty that all those juppy shops have to be like Mercedes Benz and we have to pay bull#%^# prices for bits and pieces so they can play with the big boys.
No more here...... that was the last time that they saw me in that shop and the last time that I pay those ridiculos prices to anybody.
This post is not totally unrelated to 4WD stuff and Camping because that is the trent now that we get done over by multi-big companies who think they can just keep doing that and charge us whatever they like. I know everybody has to make money and wages and overheads have to be paid, but there is no need for 300 % or more markup and most of it still comes from China. They all must go to the same Business school and red the NIKE book.

I feel much better now and wish everybody a great Christmas and all the best for 2006.
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Reply By: Lone Wolf - Thursday, Dec 22, 2005 at 19:18

Thursday, Dec 22, 2005 at 19:18
"I just paid $53 for a little Briggs and Stratton airfilter. "

You, actually.... like PAID that?


I thought $100.00 was expensive for the Delica......

AnswerID: 145131

Follow Up By: Member - Reiner G (QLD) - Thursday, Dec 22, 2005 at 20:47

Thursday, Dec 22, 2005 at 20:47
I know Wolfie, but I had no time to play around and needet the lawns mowed for Christmas. After all this I will make something up to replace that filter. I just feel sorry for the old Lady on a pension of $170 per week with no technical understanding at all. If they rip of somebody 6ft 2 who looks like knowing something about motors and gear what do they do to the old lady?
Its all going stupid.

FollowupID: 398660

Follow Up By: arthurking83 - Thursday, Dec 22, 2005 at 22:50

Thursday, Dec 22, 2005 at 22:50
If they rip of somebody 6ft 2 who looks like knowing something about motors and gear what do they do to the old lady?

I reckon they rip off anybody stupid enough to go into that shop, regardless if your 3ft high or 8 ft across.

Consider yourself "not stupid" now :))
(that's not a cheap shot at you either!)

twice bitten, twice shy?


Oh! and you can thank the Yanks for "it going all stupid"'s what people want now :(
(maybe except for me, and my 'ol man too! I love old junk type shops :))
FollowupID: 398693

Follow Up By: Bonz (Vic) - Friday, Dec 23, 2005 at 14:42

Friday, Dec 23, 2005 at 14:42
100 for a Delica??? you got ripped, they sell for 69.95 here! With new tyres!
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FollowupID: 398779

Reply By: Sarg - Thursday, Dec 22, 2005 at 20:04

Thursday, Dec 22, 2005 at 20:04
Similar situation recently with an air filter for a 2.5 kva Yamaha genset. Quoted nearly $30(inc GST),& a 45 min drive there & back to get it from the nearest dealer. Went to Supercrap 5 mins away, bought a $2.50 carwash sponge ,cut it to size, & treated with Unifilter oil. Job done. Who needs genuine ??
AnswerID: 145137

Reply By: Alloy c/t - Thursday, Dec 22, 2005 at 20:04

Thursday, Dec 22, 2005 at 20:04
Sitting in anticipation of all the laughable comments "that you only get what you paid for " ,, honda l/mower air filter from honda shop = $23, same filter from small independant mower shop ,same packaging ect = $7.64 ,who,s ripping off who.!!!
AnswerID: 145138

Follow Up By: gramps - Friday, Dec 23, 2005 at 01:47

Friday, Dec 23, 2005 at 01:47
"that you only get what you paid for "

I'm with you Alloy. I don't necessarily have the readies or the inclination to pay a premium when a cheaper option will do the job.
FollowupID: 398720

Reply By: F4Phantom - Thursday, Dec 22, 2005 at 20:11

Thursday, Dec 22, 2005 at 20:11
a place i used to work sold sprocket chains for $20. $20 i hear you say, thats not to bad? well i dont think so either. so what is my point? the point is we only got them for $1 ea. so in a normal retail shop where you mark up say 10 - 40% or more, hundreds of percent sounds a rip off. anyway, the way they arrived at the $20 was more what "sounds" about right which i dont really have a problem with. I am sure there are some mega rip offs out there for everyday products we just dont know about.
AnswerID: 145141

Follow Up By: Member - Reiner G (QLD) - Thursday, Dec 22, 2005 at 21:06

Thursday, Dec 22, 2005 at 21:06
I'm in business myself and a lot of People don't realise that there is advertising cost, insurance cost , rent has to be paid. Warranty has to be covered and all sorts of costs come into account which often gets overlooked. But a lot of businesses have the take and run attitude and don't think long term.
That mower shop is doing very well right now but it will loose customers like me who will find alternatives and avoid those charges.
Wonder were they will be in 5 years time.
If that shop was mine I would refuse to sell a fanbelt for $75 to a customer knowing that they can buy one for $13 at Tradetools. But who knows, maybe that is the way to go?
I know a big Bike shop in Brisbane who is charging like there is no tomorrow for as long as I can remember and they are doing very well.
Time will tell...........I think?!?!?!?!not sure now.....

FollowupID: 398664

Follow Up By: F4Phantom - Thursday, Dec 22, 2005 at 22:57

Thursday, Dec 22, 2005 at 22:57
i am not quite sure how much shopping around people do these days. i traditionally like to exhaust every resource before i buy so i feel good about getting the right price, but latley i have just been getting stuff from bunnings because they are on every street corner and it's easy. I know their prices are really not that competitive and that beat it by 10% thing is true but if you dont bother finding the best price elsewhere and taking it into the store (i never have) which 99% of people wont do then they get their full retail which in some cases in considered expensive. BTW never get timber from there they are a RIP. So anyway i think they just say to themselves that they are selling at a higher price for better service or something. and another thing, the proof is in the pudding, they woulnt do it if it didnt work.
FollowupID: 398696

Reply By: Utemad - Thursday, Dec 22, 2005 at 21:07

Thursday, Dec 22, 2005 at 21:07
Like you I'd like to know how much of the cost of an ARB product goes into paying for the materials, labour, design etc and how much goes into paying for the multi million dollar looking shopfront. Who the bleep needs a big screen tv with your choice of a gazillion fourby related DVDs to watch with fancy couches etc and "free" tea and coffee?

Maybe they should sell there stuff online and we could pick it up from the warehouse and not have to pay for all the sales related crap. I don't know about you guys but when I go to a 4x4 store I am going there with a purpose. I have done my research and know exactly what I want. I shouldn't have to pay for all the other crap.
AnswerID: 145156

Follow Up By: J.T. - Thursday, Dec 22, 2005 at 22:17

Thursday, Dec 22, 2005 at 22:17
Bloody oath Utemad.Couldn,t agree with you more.
FollowupID: 398687

Follow Up By: arthurking83 - Thursday, Dec 22, 2005 at 22:54

Thursday, Dec 22, 2005 at 22:54

FollowupID: 398694

Follow Up By: F4Phantom - Thursday, Dec 22, 2005 at 23:05

Thursday, Dec 22, 2005 at 23:05
i also agree with the sentiment but in reality i think most of the people on a forum like this are not the majority. most people really do get attracted to "flashing lights". in fact i cant understand sometimes when i see right through an advert and the people around me turn up the next day owning the new mobile phone (or whatever is getting flogged on tv) off the back of a really glittzy ad. the proof is all around us, companies merge, get bigger, redesign logo's, build bigger better more expensive shops, hire more staff, buy embroided company tshirts and all the rest, and because of all this, their prices go up, sales go up and profits get bigger, so really - it works, most people dont want to buy low priced items from back sheds and warehouses, they want all the glitter. mobile phones a good example.
FollowupID: 398698

Follow Up By: gramps - Friday, Dec 23, 2005 at 01:45

Friday, Dec 23, 2005 at 01:45
"I don't know about you guys but when I go to a 4x4 store I am going there with a purpose. I have done my research and know exactly what I want"

Then you're probably like me Utemad, rarely go anywhere near an ARB store :))))))
FollowupID: 398719

Follow Up By: Utemad - Friday, Dec 23, 2005 at 18:09

Friday, Dec 23, 2005 at 18:09
I rarely ever go into an ARB store Gramps. Only for the big ticket type stuff that only a 4wd store sells. As for all the radios, straps etc I buy them elsewhere. I thought it was quite funny when I went to ARB once to buy a GME TX3200 and they wanted nearly $100 more than Olbis. So I said I can get it for $xx at Olbis. They eventually sold it to me for that much but what a drama. Reckoned they would lose money on the sale. I only went to ARB because it was closer and I was feeling lazy.

I realise that all the glitz gets the suckers in but it tends to turn me off. I have one friend who eagerly anticipates the arrival of junk mail. He (yes HE) then trawls through them all to find new stuff to buy. He didn't need that stuff until he read about it in the junk mail though.
FollowupID: 398809

Reply By: Eric from Cape York Connections - Friday, Dec 23, 2005 at 07:00

Friday, Dec 23, 2005 at 07:00
A mate owns and imports bearings.
He gets wheel bearings kits and the like for me. They sell in the shop for about $70 a kit I get them of him for $18 and he still makes money.
My son needed new wheel bearings for his skate board a pack of 8 cost me $8 from my mate in the shops same pack in same packaging $30.

All the best
AnswerID: 145202

Reply By: Member - Oldplodder (QLD) - Friday, Dec 23, 2005 at 08:43

Friday, Dec 23, 2005 at 08:43
Question is - what is a decent profit margin and what is obscene?

Some one I know made a killing selling landcruiser tail lights for one example.

Genuine item - about $70.

He could get a copy made in Taiwan for $8.00 landed. Had to order so many hundred. $5.00 ex factory.
Quality and fit not as good, but close.
Sold them for $25.00 a piece.
Every body who bought them though he was doing them a favour.

So should he have sold them for $10.00, $25.00 or $50.00?

But he was the only one willing to spend the time setting it up and ordering so many hundred, so why shouldn't he make a decent (but not obscene) profit?

AnswerID: 145222

Follow Up By: F4Phantom - Friday, Dec 23, 2005 at 10:44

Friday, Dec 23, 2005 at 10:44
i wouldnt call that expensive. if your mate sold them at $65 and the bloke next door sold the same lights for $25 i would get him to rethink his prices.
FollowupID: 398754

Follow Up By: Member - Reiner G (QLD) - Saturday, Dec 24, 2005 at 00:57

Saturday, Dec 24, 2005 at 00:57
You are right, nothing wrong with making a profit but there is a difference bewteen a profit and a over the top markup.
We all need to make money one way or the other but there is a moral line between fair and unfair and most people know that line.
Nothing wrong with charging $25 for a $5 part if he had to buy hundrets to get that price. But people coming in your shop and trusting you to do the right thing by charging you what everybody else seem to feel is a fair markup but taking you for a ride that is just wrong.
Thats what I think anyway and I do hope in the long run he will pay for being so greedy. ( The lawnmower Bloke I mean)

FollowupID: 398875

Reply By: Footloose - Friday, Dec 23, 2005 at 11:18

Friday, Dec 23, 2005 at 11:18
I went into a local 4wd store last year with a question. The lady couldn't help, but while I was in there a young bloke and his missus came in. "We're going around Australia for 12 months, what will we need ?"
"One of these ...and these...and these etc etc etc
For all she knew he might of been going round on the tar with a panel van.

Not only do they price gouge at every opportunity but they really have your best interests at heart also.........NOT.

My advice is to ask a satisfied customer before shelling out your hard earned dollars.
AnswerID: 145240

Reply By: Member - Pezza (QLD) - Friday, Dec 23, 2005 at 16:49

Friday, Dec 23, 2005 at 16:49
G'day Reiner,

I have lived out this way for about 7 yrs now, that shop has grown to twice the size in that time.
I went in there only 2 weeks ago to get a tyre for the ride on, I had a fair idea he was a rip-off mongrel from prices I'd seen there of other stuff, but had only bought some oil there previously, he was handy at the time so I dropped in.
Had my wheel with me, got sent to the "workshop in the other building" no worries,
asked if they could fit a new tyre, after punching the keyboard for 5 min, whilst explaining they were very busy at the moment the young fella coudn't give me an answer and looked at the older bloke for help, this was lunch time on tuesday, Im thinking "OK, can't do it straight away, Ill pick it up on the way home, another five min on the puter then replied " might be able to have it done by the end of the week, maybe"
Reply, " You gotta be kiddin! Gimme the tyre and I'll fit the damn thing myself in 10 min flat!' Also added some snyde remark about, "lucky beaurepairs don't have the same work ethics as this place" to which came no reply.
It them took him another 5 min to find a price for the tyre and tube, "That'll be $53 .90 for the tyre and $20.00 for the tube sir" After telling him I can buy a car tyre for that price, and what he could do with his tyre and tube I grabbed mine and walked out.
Rang Richlands mowers near the centenary roundabout, as I drive past there on the way home, freindly, prompt service, $35 for the tyre, $15 for the tube. Exactly the same brand. Took me 10 min to fit at home.

Mind you, when you look at his premises, of which your explanation is quite accurate, most people obviously just pay what he asks and walk out without thinking twice about it, and as long as people are that guliuble(spelling) he's the type to just keep charging!

AnswerID: 145284

Follow Up By: Member - Reiner G (QLD) - Saturday, Dec 24, 2005 at 01:00

Saturday, Dec 24, 2005 at 01:00
Thats the shop Pezza and it just blows me away that he keeps getting away with it. But how many people does he loose per month?
I will help him loose more.
FollowupID: 398877

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