Help needed Mounting a Max Air Air Compressor

Submitted: Tuesday, Dec 13, 2005 at 23:30
ThreadID: 28855 Views:2259 Replies:5 FollowUps:12
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Evening All,
I have just bought a Max Air Air Compressor and was wondering if anyone had mounted it permanently to their Vehicle? Being that they have to stay Upright I have no room in the Engine bay coz I already have an ARB Compressor jammed in there and a second battery I was thinking of some ware in the back maybe under the False floor of the Paj? Any suggestions/ideas would be great.


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Reply By: Member - Roachie (SA) - Wednesday, Dec 14, 2005 at 00:03

Wednesday, Dec 14, 2005 at 00:03
I have mine permanently mounted in the Patrol. It sits on the passengers side, on top of the cargo drawer, over the wheel arch and forward/right behind the cargo barrier. It is connected to 2 tanks which are bolted to the cargo barrier, right above the compressor. The compressor is held in place using a couple of brackets I got from hardware store and 2 cable ties. The brackets are a sort of right-angle triangle with the 2 sides turned up @ 90 degrees to the flat plate section. They are meant to be used for holding timber frames together, but I screwed em to the top of the drawer system through the triangle bit and then sat the compressor in/on top of the triangles and the cable ties (had to use 2 joined together to get the length) go underneath the sand tray, through the holes in each bracket, then come back over the top of the sand tray. Bit complicated to explain....sorry.

Because of the additional krappy plywood contraption I have in the back which serves as a shelf etc, that area of the cargo area is otherwise not of much use, although I do also slot the first aid kit in behind the compressor and a Dolphin torch behind that too, right near the smaller cargo door.


AnswerID: 143770

Follow Up By: gramps - Wednesday, Dec 14, 2005 at 00:22

Wednesday, Dec 14, 2005 at 00:22
C'mon Roachie. You can even post pictures of the setup here now :))
FollowupID: 397249

Follow Up By: Member - Roachie (SA) - Wednesday, Dec 14, 2005 at 07:30

Wednesday, Dec 14, 2005 at 07:30
"You" might be able to post pictures, but I'd have as much chance of getting the Patrol to fly me to the moon as working out how to get a picture on here....(I had to get Doc Holliday and Pesty to help me get my member's rig pics on system......they had to give me s t e p b y s t e p instructions over about a 4 day period to even do that!!!!!). Also, I can't even work out how to use the VCR that I inhereited from my mother's house 6 months ago!!!!
Cheers mate
FollowupID: 397258

Follow Up By: gramps - Wednesday, Dec 14, 2005 at 07:51

Wednesday, Dec 14, 2005 at 07:51
LOL You are a worry :)))
FollowupID: 397261

Follow Up By: Matt (W.A.) - Wednesday, Dec 14, 2005 at 10:00

Wednesday, Dec 14, 2005 at 10:00
Cheers Roachie,
Is it easy enough to get to the switch to turn it on? Being fixed to the cargo barrier?
I thought of putting mine in front of the cargo barrier behind the Engle but when the 4by is packed and ready to travel I wouldn’t be able to get to the switch unless I leave it switched on all the time and just plug it in when I need it (My MAAC has a Bosch plug on it now rather than the Alligator clips) so that I can plug it into the one of 5 Outlets in the Paj! Has this confused you? Ha Ha……


FollowupID: 397266

Follow Up By: Member - Roachie (SA) - Wednesday, Dec 14, 2005 at 10:48

Wednesday, Dec 14, 2005 at 10:48
I leave the compressor's switch on all the time, but have a ARB pressure switch as well as a switch in the cab so that I can turn it on at any time. Have routed hoses all over the bloody place, including one up to the A pillar on my side, which goes to a gauge as well as another T junction there too which then has a RYCO outlet just above my head (used for connecting the original MaxAir coiled hose and a blow-down gun for keeping the dust off the dash etc ;-))
Also have outlets on bullbar, & at the rear. Under the bonnet, there are 2 more T junctions: one goes to the air horns on roof rack, the other goes to the ARB air-locker's solenoid.
No wonder I have a small leak somewhere......every morning, when I'm sitting waiting for the motor to warm up for a few minutes, I switch the compressor on and pump the air up from around 70psi (where it has dropped to overnight), back up to the 95psi that the ARB cut-off switch stops it at.
FollowupID: 397272

Follow Up By: Member - Jeff M (WA) - Wednesday, Dec 14, 2005 at 13:52

Wednesday, Dec 14, 2005 at 13:52
Still got that leak eh Roachie!! ;-)

So do I! :-( I just can't find the bloody thing no matter how hard I try! Mine is almost exactly the same, over night it'll drop to about 70psi, just enough for the compressor to kick in when I start her up, runs for about 1 minute and then she's all charged again, I've just given up on trying to find it! Strangley enough when I put my guage on the dash somewhere along the line I slowed the leak a little, but it's come back again! I wonder if it's leaking back out through the compressor, I've been thinking about putting a 1 way valve at the compressor's outlet, maybe that would stop it...
FollowupID: 397314

Follow Up By: Member - Coyote (SA) - Wednesday, Dec 14, 2005 at 15:02

Wednesday, Dec 14, 2005 at 15:02
Hey Roachie.. so what is that all the compressor bits and pieces are used for?? I understand spare tyre inflation and ARB Locker activation. but why the guage and bit on the dash, and the fittings on your bull bar??? Air Tools?? Can the little compressors keep up withthese??? would love to know if there is a new toy I 'should' look at setting up.. but can't imagine what it is yu use all the air connections for??? (having said that, my other half would be tickled poink if we could use the air to blow the dust off / out of the tent...
FollowupID: 397329

Follow Up By: Member - Roachie (SA) - Wednesday, Dec 14, 2005 at 19:10

Wednesday, Dec 14, 2005 at 19:10
Yeh mate, still got the leak. A bloke I spoke to the other day (can't remember where....forgot), said that those festo press-on fittings MUST have the hose exactly square at the end in order to avoid leaks. I've got at least 4 "T" juctions (ie: 12 points) that could be possible leak points. There is a 3 way (Mercedes emblem style) brass junction near the compressor, which takes the air from the compressor to the 2 tanks, as well as a brass "T" piece before that (between the compressor and the Merc emblem) which has the ARB pressure switch off to the side.
I have removed the padded handle altogther and have a one-way valve bolted into the compressor's outlet.

The outlet on the bullbar is for inflating the front tyres and I also use it when I'm doing any oil changes....... I have an old truck air tank on a tripod which I place the 10.5litres of engine oil has fittings for pumping up pressure, a hose coming out the bottom and a simple tap near the end of the hose. So when the truck is up on the ramps and I'm perched up on a ladder leaning over the bonnet trying to get the oil in there, I don't have to worry about juggling a funnel and a 5 litre oil container. Instead, I climb the ladder, place the hose in the rocker cover, turn to tap on, (having already turned on the air tap on the bullbar to start building up a bit of pressure). Then it's just a matter of watching the oil quietly move into the motor until I see/hear the gurgling which signals that the oil is depleted. Shut off the air pressure and the oil flow and turn on the relief tap near the top of the tank.
Then there's the air horns....very loud, but i can isolate them and just have the little Thomas The Tank Engine type "peep-peep" horn if the coppers ever do a road-worthy check on me.
The outlet at the back is actually inside the back door and I can use the air hose to reach the back tyres as well as the camper trailer tyres. I have 2 separate air hoses....the one I keep in the back which i use for the tyre inflation, oil decanting etc and the yellow plastic coiled hose which lives under my seat and, as I said before, is only used for dusting down the cab area etc using the 3rd RYCO outlet above driver's head.
Hope this explains it a bit better.


FollowupID: 397352

Reply By: muzzgit (WA) - Wednesday, Dec 14, 2005 at 00:20

Wednesday, Dec 14, 2005 at 00:20
Sorry mate, but myself and two others I know who have this compressor (or the cheap copy) just keep it in the bag it came in, which is also good for storing spare valves, puncture repair kit, valve removing thinga-mi-jig, globes, fuses blah blah blah in small plastic containers. I keep it along side the bag with the snatch strap and tow rope etcetera in the garage, and grab both whenever we head out into the big yonder.

That way I know when I grab the compressor, all the other bits come along too.

P.S who said it has to stay upright?

I have all the rear seats removed from the GU and have thought about making a bracket to utilise the holes that the seats have left on the rear wheel arch to mount mine, but the more I look at it the less motivated I am getting.

My car is a daily driver so setting it up like Roachie's isn't an option, plus the boss would not take too kindly to it, considering he owns half of it !!!! te he
AnswerID: 143771

Follow Up By: Member - Roachie (SA) - Wednesday, Dec 14, 2005 at 07:33

Wednesday, Dec 14, 2005 at 07:33
Mine's also my daily only vehicle (Annette doesn't drive AT ALL!!!! hahaha). However, it is permanently ready to GOOOOO. hehehe
FollowupID: 397259

Follow Up By: Matt (W.A.) - Wednesday, Dec 14, 2005 at 09:45

Wednesday, Dec 14, 2005 at 09:45
Cheers muzzgit,
Rob and Lee at ARB Ozzy Park told me that it needed to stay upright! is that a Porky? the ARB one under my bonnet is mounted vertical i thought i could do the same with the MAAC!


FollowupID: 397265

Follow Up By: Member - Jeff M (WA) - Wednesday, Dec 14, 2005 at 13:54

Wednesday, Dec 14, 2005 at 13:54
Yep daily driver too, everything done to it is done in such away as to have a minimal impact on the day to day town use, but when we go, just whack your camping gear in and BYE!
FollowupID: 397315

Reply By: Member - Oldplodder (QLD) - Wednesday, Dec 14, 2005 at 08:37

Wednesday, Dec 14, 2005 at 08:37
Have my blue tongue bolted to the floor under the drivers seat.
Passenger seat has the slide out draw under it.
Not sure if your pump is a bigger unit and if it would fit.
AnswerID: 143785

Reply By: Member - Stan (VIC) - Wednesday, Dec 14, 2005 at 10:35

Wednesday, Dec 14, 2005 at 10:35
Not sure how much space under bonnet of Pajero, I got my mounted under bonnet
in Prado as it is saves about 5 minutes connecting it all up and 5 minutes packing it back up every time I need to use it. The only mod left to do is make longer Air hose so I can pump CT trailer tyres as well.

We had to make a custom bracket to fit it there thought...

Here is the instructions LINK
AnswerID: 143801

Follow Up By: Matt (W.A.) - Wednesday, Dec 14, 2005 at 11:00

Wednesday, Dec 14, 2005 at 11:00
Thanks Stan,
Theres No Room left at the inn!! for the MAAC I have Dual Batt's and an ARB Comp already under there.


FollowupID: 397276

Reply By: rossco - Wednesday, Dec 14, 2005 at 20:33

Wednesday, Dec 14, 2005 at 20:33
I too have a Max air comp., connected to a tank, under the bonnet of the Prado. As there is !00 psi being pushed back to the comp from the tank do you need a one way valve for protection?
AnswerID: 143891

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