spoonman on triple m

Submitted: Thursday, Sep 29, 2005 at 12:57
ThreadID: 26864 Views:3995 Replies:8 FollowUps:18
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Hi all yes once again last night on triple m on sydney radio, the spoonman as he is known,bagging the owners of 4wds and how we should not own any of them and this dic@head is saying that mark scaffe (racing driver) trailers his own car to the racetrack so all 4wd owners should trailer there's to the destination so they can then explore the country side, what a dead set wan@er. I have emailed a letter to tripple m this morning telling him what I thought of him, also told him that he should get off his barge ar@e and out of his little hole that he calls an office instead of sitting at his corner cafe drinking lata's and see more of this great country that is on offer. I also included my mobile no so if he wants to he can ring me. Reckons that no one has a good enough reason to own one.I'd love to see this wan@er face to face, as said in my email he will only cut me short on air as he was doing to people last night. Hope this message will also get to him as the more publicity the more chance he will ring me. Regards Vitara
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Reply By: Member - Sam (NSW) - Thursday, Sep 29, 2005 at 13:09

Thursday, Sep 29, 2005 at 13:09
People like him are part of the reason I turned away from those commercial stations (both TV and Radio). People just need to ignore such clowns. He's fishing for a bite. If you ignore the lure (as hard as it is), people like him don't rate and therefore fade into insignificance.
AnswerID: 132332

Follow Up By: Truckster (Vic) - Wednesday, Oct 12, 2005 at 14:53

Wednesday, Oct 12, 2005 at 14:53
dont listen to the radio at all anymore, full of ads and people who think they are funny.... but arent.

Tele? Gave up on that many moons ago...

the reality thing really bleep s me. thats all people talk about, they dont have lives anymore.. all virtual!
Richard Branson in on it, and also the clothing one now? FFS, get over it.
FollowupID: 388399

Reply By: Scoey - Thursday, Sep 29, 2005 at 13:32

Thursday, Sep 29, 2005 at 13:32
Yeah, I too heard him, and found it almost impossible to turn off. I was gonna ring but like everyone else that got the upperhand on him (not hard when you're arguement is completely flawed) he'd just turn them off. But they didn't need me anyway, plenty of people giving him HEPAS! haha!

Typical "shock-jock" grabbing ratings. Stir up heaps of controversey and sit back and watch the fireworks! Gotta feel sorry for a person who's so pathetic...
AnswerID: 132335

Reply By: Tony Shaw - Thursday, Sep 29, 2005 at 13:46

Thursday, Sep 29, 2005 at 13:46
I was listening for a little while and he was very specific about only the large four wheel drives used for puerly recreation (vehicles used for work, on a property or for towing were excepted under his thinking).

Do you agree that they are more dangerous on suburban roads due to their extra height makes it hard to see past them or through them. Their extra size and weight means longer stopping distances. Do you agree they have less visibility behind them when they are reversing?
AnswerID: 132337

Follow Up By: chump_boy - Thursday, Sep 29, 2005 at 14:45

Thursday, Sep 29, 2005 at 14:45
Tony Shaw.....wasn't he a swimmer....doesn't he run a swim centre in Pendle Hill now? I went there once, and had to leave after a couple of minutes, due to all the chlorine in the air. I do digress....

Even though this is an obvious bait.......

Tony, stopping distances are actually not that bad. Extra weight (ie.. more downward pressure), combined with wider tyres and larger brake pads (more surface area) would actually make braking good, if not excellent. I know my Landcruiser (AWD, ABS, etc...) can stop a lot better than my old 2000 model falcon.

Visibility is actually better than a typical sedan in a lot of 4WD's (that was an NRMA study, I believe). If it is a problem, a mirror or camera can be installed (I have the camera that looks down at the back bumper, so I can reverse safely).

The thing is, all vehicles have various issues. The driver has to learn to drive knowing those issues. I for one never reverse around children. I think all vehicles should do that, but there are so many stupid people near my daughters school that reverse their cars without looking it is no wonder there are not more accidents than there are already.

As for being high on the road, yes they are. So are vans. So are trucks. So are utes. So is any car with a roof rack (which I would need to have if I were forced to have a car). It becomes a non issue if people dodn't tailgate. The 3 second rule applies as much to cars as any other vehicle. At 60km/h, that is a gap of 50m. If your visibility is affected that much that far away, that you can't stop intime to avoid an accident, I don't think the problem is the other vehicle.... I also belive a half decent driver should be keeping an eye on the larger vehicle 5 cars ahead in the queue of traffic. If you can see them stopping, it's a pretty good chance you will have to as well... If we all drove cars, we could only see one car ahead anyway!

I for one prefer my landcruiser because it is not as long or wide as a commodore or falcon (read: better in a carpark), it uses less fuel (10 - 10.5L / 100km), and when I go on holidays, it accomodates me and my family with ease. I don't need to take a trailer, or install roofracks, except to take the canoe.

We can only afford one vehicle, so I would much rather had an underutilised landcruiser than a gas guzzling, overloaded sedan. What would you prefer, as a fellow road user? I also tow 3.5 tonnes fairly regularly, a scarey thought in anything bar a 4WD.

To bring up a few more points - I plan on keeping my current vehicle for at least 10 years (probably a lot more). It is 7 years old now, done 60,000km, so I am looking good. In that time, I would have gone through at least 3 cars. What a waste of resources!

I also have 8 seats - great for going out on Saturday nights, or taking kids to and from parties. We have 7 or 8 people in our car a few times each week, taking at least 1 other vehicle off the road in the scheme of things.

We also regularly go bush for a day or 2, taking our 2 kids to see truely interesting and educational things. Have you ever seen the look on a 3 year olds face when you are standing in the middle of a pine forrest, silently watching kangaroos only meters away? Or the look of a 5 year old at the top of a mountain, looking out at 360 degree views? I have, and I agree that a 4WD is not essential, but it takes a week long trek down to a lovely day out....

In short, get a life, and stop worrying about how we live our lives!

FollowupID: 386601

Follow Up By: Tony Shaw - Thursday, Sep 29, 2005 at 15:23

Thursday, Sep 29, 2005 at 15:23
Hey Chump, It's good to see some valid thought about arguments for keeping them instead of the typical "It's my right to drive a four wheel drive". I agree totally with most of what you said and think maybe some other solutions would be better than a ban, like having reversing camera's or mirrors compulsory in these larger vehicles.

FollowupID: 386607

Follow Up By: chump_boy - Thursday, Sep 29, 2005 at 15:38

Thursday, Sep 29, 2005 at 15:38

No worries.

I do agree that it is my right to drive a 4by, and I shouldn't have to justify it to anyone else. It is just that with the current publicity, I thought more non-4wd'ers might visit sites like this, and I would put up a couple of valid points.

It is OK normally to squabble and say macho things when it is only us here, but to someone that doesn't have anything to do with the outdoors, it would look a bit funny. We are actually a decent mob!


FollowupID: 386610

Follow Up By: Tanka - Friday, Sep 30, 2005 at 14:05

Friday, Sep 30, 2005 at 14:05
I agree with the visibility as it is easier to see out of a Landcruiser/Patrol than what it is out of a small car, especially hatchbacks. But to say that a landcruiser uses less fuel than a Commodore??? I dont think so. From someone that owns both a Commodore and a Patrol, I can assure you that you are not going to convince anyone that big 4WD's are economical.
FollowupID: 386815

Follow Up By: chump_boy - Friday, Sep 30, 2005 at 14:32

Friday, Sep 30, 2005 at 14:32
No big vehicle is very economical. I can say, with a certainty, my Landcruiser gets better than 11L/100km. Commodores and Falcons get worse. It is a bit funny, actually. The cruiser is at least 50% heavier, with a larger motor, yet gets better economy....

I am looking at the technical specs for a VZ Commodore, and it says combined fuel consumption is 11.6L/100km. Click Here.

The specs for a BA MKII, BF/SY falcon are shown HERE.

I do notice on the Toyota web site HERE the Landcruiser is listed as 13L/100km. This is with the standard wheels. If you put the skinny wheels on, economy improves.

I regularly get between 10 and 10.5L/100km, as do many other people on this forum. Do a search for "Landcruiser Fuel Economy 105 Series" on Google, and there are many people in that situation.

It would seem more fuel efficient to me......
FollowupID: 386818

Follow Up By: Tanka - Wednesday, Oct 12, 2005 at 11:01

Wednesday, Oct 12, 2005 at 11:01
So, lets get this straight. Everything on the internet is to be taken as gospel? Except the Toyota website of course. You make the point that you get better economy than claimed by Toyota, (which is no doubt true), so is it not plausible that the other manufacturers figures might not also be skewed to the heavy side? You talk later about evidence to back up fact, but you are only listening to the evidence you want to hear.
FollowupID: 388376

Follow Up By: chump_boy - Wednesday, Oct 12, 2005 at 11:35

Wednesday, Oct 12, 2005 at 11:35
No, everything on the internet is not to be taken as gospel.

I don't drive a commodore or a falcon, so I have no idea what their figures are, apart from what the manufacturers claim. I also don't frequent commodore or falcom forums, so I have no idea what the actual figures are.

I can only assume all the manufacturers sites are right. They sound about right. I stated I put narrower tyres on my vehicle, and get better than what the manufacturer states. I'm sure if people put narrow tyres on their commodore or falcon, they would improve their fuel economy.

A quick google finds all sorts of figures for a commodore, from 10.5 to about 18 L/100km.

That same google finds figures between 10 and 12 l/100km for 105 Series, NA Landcruisers.

My main point was, the argument that big 4WD's are gas guzzlers is wrong. My 8 seat 4WD gets the same / better economy than a 5 seat car, despite being much heavier. There is much more room inside, and the payload, both internal and towing, is in another league.

The politically correct brigade is rapidly running out of arguments.....
FollowupID: 388380

Follow Up By: Truckster (Vic) - Wednesday, Oct 12, 2005 at 14:51

Wednesday, Oct 12, 2005 at 14:51
Troll, or someone from the media sparking for a story?
FollowupID: 388397

Follow Up By: chump_boy - Wednesday, Oct 12, 2005 at 15:07

Wednesday, Oct 12, 2005 at 15:07

I hope it's someone from the media - it means this site is getting more and more notice taken of it..

Some of the questions are a bit too leading to be a troll, and he seems to ask a question, get shot down, then move on to the next one in the list.

I hope in my heart of hearts it is Harry Screwball himelf (the walking class w@^ker), but i doubt he'd actually go looking for facts....

FollowupID: 388408

Reply By: Wizard1 - Thursday, Sep 29, 2005 at 14:05

Thursday, Sep 29, 2005 at 14:05
They had a grab on Triple J yesterday and it was quite funny, taking the PI!@ out of the survey and article about 4WD owners. At least this station wold prefer to make light of the whole thing rather than get all wrapped around the axles.......
AnswerID: 132342

Reply By: Truckster (Vic) - Thursday, Sep 29, 2005 at 14:11

Thursday, Sep 29, 2005 at 14:11
He will turn it around, you really are wasting your time.

But I do like what someone else here said " Its one reason I turned away from commercial Radio".

Now IF we could get 100's or 1000's even of 4wders to start mailing these stations, and the sponsors of these radio stations, saying we will never listen to their stations and never buy products heard on these stations, then it would be a mirconic win for us. Nice dream, but will never happen.

but yea, more bleep thrown... sick of saying it.
AnswerID: 132344

Reply By: Ken - Thursday, Sep 29, 2005 at 15:36

Thursday, Sep 29, 2005 at 15:36
Tony, not sure where you are heading with thesae comments so take this any way you like.
In a recent ACA or Today Tonight [not sure which] wham bang expose on 4WD's they actually conducted some breaking tests, as distinct from the perceived greater braking distances myth you seem happy to perpetuate they were embarressed to find a 100 series cruiser stopped in a lesser distance than a commodore wagon. Contrary to popular belief braking is not only about the weight of the vehicle. As this test showed despite the considerable weight difference between a Commodore wagon and the 100 Series, the 100 series is actually better braked ! If the heavier ='s poorer assumption was correct trucks would not be able to meet the strict stopping distances they are required to. Many modern B-double rigs would surprise you with their braking ability.
Regarding seeing past or through them they are no worse than many, many other vehicles on the road. Have a look at delivery vans, people movers and small trucks[<2 tonne GVM] No howls for special licences or banning them from certain areas, if fact renters of small moving trucks make a point of saying how they can be driven on a passenger licence. If ever there was a risk from larger vehicles it would be no more evident than a 2 ton van driven occasionally by a person with no experience.
Comments such as "...they have less visibility behind them..." are misleading and laking in logic. For a start, less visibility than what ? Visibility behind large vehicles can be a problem however rear visibility out of sedans, wagons and sports cars can be worse than large 4WD's such as Cruisers and Patrols. It is a factor of the low seating position, raised boot lines, spoilers and vehicle length. The greater seating height of 4WD's is a positive in this asessment.
What is lacking in the anti 4WD tirade is objectivity. People are all too prepared to accept half truths, selectively presented data and data frequently irrelevant to the arguement if it serves their pre-conceived views.


AnswerID: 132354

Follow Up By: chump_boy - Thursday, Sep 29, 2005 at 15:58

Thursday, Sep 29, 2005 at 15:58
Here here....
FollowupID: 386613

Follow Up By: Tony Shaw - Thursday, Sep 29, 2005 at 16:07

Thursday, Sep 29, 2005 at 16:07
Hi Ken, Don't get me wrong i'm not against 4wd's as i drive one everyday of the week. I'm very uneducated and just wanted to hear some well thought out arguments toward them. Listening to "Spoonman" last night there was a lack of well presented arguments and facts siding with 4wd's. This was quite possibley because anyone with a decent argument wasn't put to air.

Do 4wd tyres wear the road more than conventional sedan tyres?

Cheers, ToNy!
29/9/05 16:04:19
FollowupID: 386616

Follow Up By: chump_boy - Thursday, Sep 29, 2005 at 16:27

Thursday, Sep 29, 2005 at 16:27
Ken, allow me....

Tony, although it has been a few years, I did do Civil Engineering at Uni. When designing roads, engineers do not worry about cars or 4WD's, they design according to semi-trailers.

What is a difference of 1.5 up to 3 tonnes going to make, when you have something that is 40 tonnes on that same stretch of road?

I spose you could argue cars are more likely to spin their wheels.

Also, from my answer above, 4WD's have bigger tyres than cars, so surface area in contact with the road would be larger. So, in terms of kg/cm, the downward pressure would be about the same, as it would be for a motor bike, or a semi (i would assume...). A tyre can only stand so much pressure!

In an off road situation, cars would cause much more damage than a 4by, but they don't tend to go off road.....
FollowupID: 386620

Follow Up By: Tony Shaw - Thursday, Sep 29, 2005 at 17:31

Thursday, Sep 29, 2005 at 17:31
Lol, Maybe there should be a ban agains car owners from using any off road tracks because they cause too much Damage.
FollowupID: 386632

Follow Up By: chump_boy - Thursday, Sep 29, 2005 at 17:52

Thursday, Sep 29, 2005 at 17:52
Track damage is a major concern, and it is not a laughing matter.

ANYONE found recklessly damaging tracks should be severely reprimanded - be it in a car, 4WD, trail bike, or whatever. It all comes back to being responsible for your actions when behind tonnes of steel and plastic.

It is not the vehicles that should be banned, it is the stupid reckless people with no regard for anyone else. You will find those type of people do not drive one sort of vehicle over another, nor live in a particular area........
FollowupID: 386636

Reply By: Boc1971 - Friday, Sep 30, 2005 at 07:13

Friday, Sep 30, 2005 at 07:13
I am actually a long time listener of 'Spoonman' There was a 5 year absence or so - so was happy to discover he was back to late night talk back on MMM.

But I must say I was a little disappointed on some of his comments and his general attitude towards people with 4x4's. Some of his comments I would probably agree with such as maybe a separate licence for 4x4 drivers. That way the real enthusiasts would remain 4x4 drivers and the urban soccer mums would buy Volvos instead and stop making the majority of us look bad.

He also commented that a lot of kids have been killed by drivers reversing out of driveways , in which a listener rang in to say that its actually illegal to reverse out of a drive way ( which is true - or it would be a reverse way) I used to work with a guy that had reversed over a child on a job and killed the child - he was driving one of our work vans ( Toyota hiace ) why don't you hear people jumping up and down about those ? I drive one -- there just as large as my 4x4 and weighs as much with all my tools loaded in?

Speaking for myself- My 4x4 is a second vehicle for me - it gets used to tow my skiboat but mainly only used for 4x4 activities on the weekend. My neighbours will certainly attest to my 4x4 being used for its intended purpose. WHAT I think most people have problems with is people that buy these large Nissan patrols and prado's to be used as shopping carts- how many shiny new 60K+ cars will actually see dirt ?

Example - few weeks back -- seen a group of 5 4x4's at the exit of Newnes state forest(zig zag) all the tracks off the main road has puddles so was hard to not get your vehicle dirty - yet not one of these 4x4 had any dirty on it - even seen the guys unlocking there hubs - then followed by 20 min of shammying there cars before they hit the tar - one look at our convoy of 3 cars put them to shame when you could see we had clearly done some full on 4x4. The point I am making is ( and others ) if you buy a Ferrari are you going to drive it at 40 KMH ? if you buy a Hyundai are you going to take it through a water crossing up to the windscreen ? - If you buy a 4by are you going to use it for things other than shopping ?

AnswerID: 132444

Follow Up By: Ken - Friday, Sep 30, 2005 at 11:46

Friday, Sep 30, 2005 at 11:46
Boc 1971,

The issue of special 4WD licence is one where we as 4WDers should not compromise ! Why would you suggest a separate licence is appropriate is beyond me. As you say your HiAce is as big and heavy as a 4WD, do you want to have a separate licence for these vehicles as well ?
A normal car licence allows people to drive a wide range of vehicles, fast slow, big and little. Singling out 4WD's for a whole range of 'special' treatment as some misguided lunatics are doing makes no sense; having support for this from a fellow 4WDer is disapointing.
It is not the type of vehicle that is the problem here. Lunatics in old commodores kill themselves and others at a far higher rate than 4WD's yet there is no outcry about this. The whole anti 4WD push is based on very little factual data and a large amount of lies. It comes from a highly erratic section of humanity with a range of agendas some obvoius and some hidden, and not a lot of credibility; radio and TV current affairs reporters being high on the list. Hardly the basis for changing licence requirements or any of the draconiam anti 4WD measures they promote.

FollowupID: 386797

Follow Up By: chump_boy - Friday, Sep 30, 2005 at 14:43

Friday, Sep 30, 2005 at 14:43

Google is our friend here. It is easy to dig out the real facts about 4WD's, and shut these morons up. Dr Jenkins has made a good start with his article (can't remember where it was - it was floating round here a few weeks ago), but it is easy to go further.

Like this Tanka guy telling me there is no way a large 4WD is more fuel efficient than a large car. Mine is. A quick google proved the point.

Most of what these people come out with can be proved either wrong, or a totally non-issue if we just use common sense, and back up what we say with evidence. People looking over these posts will see one side of the argument (THEM) makes ridiculous claims, then the other side (US) disputes those claims with facts, then moves on.

Hopefully within time people who actually listend to this crap will do a little research for themselves, have a coke and a smile, and shut the f*ck up!


FollowupID: 386820

Reply By: Utemad - Friday, Sep 30, 2005 at 08:18

Friday, Sep 30, 2005 at 08:18
I heard about 2 minutes of his show last night. Still carrying on about 4wds. I had to laugh though when he read an email that said "Aren't the Triple M Rock Patrol vehicles all 4wds?" His answer was "Yes, but that's okay as they're work promotional vehicles". What a load of crap. One minute he's going off at how evil these are in the city and the next minute he's saying it's okay to use a 4x4 for work even if like the Rock Patrol vehicles they never see anything other than bitumen and shopping centre carparks!!!

What a wanker.
AnswerID: 132449

Follow Up By: chump_boy - Friday, Sep 30, 2005 at 17:57

Friday, Sep 30, 2005 at 17:57
it just reinforces the fact that wankers like that don't have two brain cells to rub together.....

I stopped listening to MMM about 5 years ago. Never looked back
FollowupID: 386856

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