Costs involved?

Submitted: Monday, Nov 25, 2002 at 01:00
ThreadID: 2452 Views:2031 Replies:6 FollowUps:4
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I am interested in finding out the costs involved in a trip around Australia....I know there are a lot of variables involved...but what would you say would be the average weekly/monthly costs of any extended trips you have taken?
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Reply By: Axel + Karen - Monday, Nov 25, 2002 at 01:00

Monday, Nov 25, 2002 at 01:00
Guernica,,as you say, there are many variables,,all our trips have averaged $100/ $120 per day,,all depends on what ,when ,where,how+ how many....
AnswerID: 8921

Reply By: bruce - Monday, Nov 25, 2002 at 01:00

Monday, Nov 25, 2002 at 01:00
depends..what are you towing ?..what with ? diesel/petrol/ you intend staying in 5 star parks or cheaper 2 or 3 star..perhaps camp out a bit ?..we went around oz 4 yrs ago in 5 mths for an all up total of around $12000 ...we towed a camper trailer with a falcon wagon on petrol / gas for 3/4 way then a 16ft poptop from Perth back to Vic , and tried not to stay in the expensive parks , this included a lot of sight seeing tours .
AnswerID: 8927

Reply By: OziExplorer - Monday, Nov 25, 2002 at 01:00

Monday, Nov 25, 2002 at 01:00
Really depends on what you are going to travel and the places you intend to stay. We seldom have acommodation expenses as we normally find a place to stay next to a creek/stream/river, wherever!
We can live and travel well on (2 people) $350 week, and if we are not travelling every day, and consequently using less fuel $280 a week is often quite normal for us. We have 2 x 60w solar panels on top of our vehicle to run our fridge, 2 x 4.5kg (10lb) gas bottles to run our 14 litre (3.1 IMP Gal or 3.7US Gal) hot water system and for cooking. One of these averages 14 to 28 days depending on weather. We have a 2.8l diesel 4WD with an enclosed body on the back, with a 60 litre (13.2 IMP GAL or 15.85 US Gal water tank. On general living expenses without any fuel we average $30 a day.
AnswerID: 8932

Reply By: Guernica - Monday, Nov 25, 2002 at 01:00

Monday, Nov 25, 2002 at 01:00

Thanks for the replies folks....
The planning stages are still in their infancy, but we plan on buying a Diesel Landcruiser/Troopy and travelling from Sydney across the bottom to W.A., work for a few months, then the Gunbarrell,Tanami, Gibbs River Road,across the top to Cairns and back down the east coast to home.
A mixture of Camping out and Caravan parks to W.A., Camping out across to Cairns and Parks down the east coast.
No fixed time schedule...but somewhere around 12 -18 months.
Once again...thanks for the info
AnswerID: 8937

Follow Up By: Janset - Monday, Nov 25, 2002 at 01:00

Monday, Nov 25, 2002 at 01:00
Hi Guernica.

As stated, the variables a many however I think your first consideration should normally be, how much will the fuel cost?

I own a 1992, 75 series turbo Troopie and recently did a 6060 Km return trip to the Red Centre.

As usual I budgeted on $1.00 per litre at 13 Km per 100 Km then added a safety margin of 20% for side trips, and fuel increases.

At the end of the day I found I was only out by only $80 so I was quite happy.

I hope this helps.
FollowupID: 4443

Follow Up By: Oziexplorer - Tuesday, Nov 26, 2002 at 01:00

Tuesday, Nov 26, 2002 at 01:00
Why do people always need such fuel thirsty vehicles? My 2.8L diesel Triton will take me everywhere the troopie would, but double the distance (actually slightly more than double) for the same amount of fuel.

Is there just two of you going, or more?
FollowupID: 4464

Follow Up By: Guernica - Tuesday, Nov 26, 2002 at 01:00

Tuesday, Nov 26, 2002 at 01:00

Just the two of us going with the possibility of a third joining somewhere along the trip.....I understand what you are saying about fuel hungrey vehicle...but I've heard great thing's about the I said the plans are still in their we'll toss about all the info we've got and come to a decision about the choice of vehicle after that....
FollowupID: 4469

Follow Up By: Janset - Tuesday, Nov 26, 2002 at 01:00

Tuesday, Nov 26, 2002 at 01:00
Hi Oziexplorer.

Fuel thirsty, well that is debatable. Fully loaded (mine is a Trekka camper) and fuelled with 140 litre reserve tank and 90 litres water, I weigh in at 3.25 tonnes. When I take into consideration that the troopie is just about the biggest 4WD readily available on the market, 13 litres to the 100 KM is not too bad. That would make it about 22/23 mile to the gallon without taking out my calculator. My old slant 6 Valiant only did 16 mpg.

To propel a vehicle of that weight along the soft beach sand or over the sand dunes does require a bit of grunt, I think it really is a trade off.

I have gone up bush track hills, weight and all, where the great little Hiluxe's had to be dragged up because of the lack of power.

The bottom line I think here is 'what do I intend to do with my vehicle?'

I know mine will just about go anywhere I want it to, and I know I can hook anything I want onto it and it will tow it in safety and with ease, so what is the other alternative?

FollowupID: 4489

Reply By: Member - Melissa - Monday, Nov 25, 2002 at 01:00

Monday, Nov 25, 2002 at 01:00
Hi Guernica,

As everyone says, there are a lot of variables. Since you're planning to see south west WA, a word of advise. If you're watching the pennies, try to plan your visit outside of school holiday periods and shop around caravan parks for the best rates. This is our neck of the woods and we travel down that way semi-regularly. In our experience, CVP's in that area are VERY expensive when compared to other places in Oz. We have met many eastern state travellers complaining bitterly about the rates. But like anything, shop around and you can save, particularly if you are prepared to stay out of town.

Hope this helps.

:o) Melissa
AnswerID: 8943

Reply By: royce - Monday, Nov 25, 2002 at 01:00

Monday, Nov 25, 2002 at 01:00
I reckon there's a difference between being a 'tourist' and a 'traveller'. I work around Oz with a travelling science show for schools. I pay for the lot by working. You say you will be working. I think that the work is part of the trip. If you end up making enough to cover costs..... the trip is "free"... sort of! We usually eat from supermarkets..... 'live on the road'. Okay sometimes some tourist traps are worth a look. The jumping crocs on Adelaide River won't jump for you otherwise.... Your question is a bit like "How long is a piece of string?". Really it's all Australia. If you take it easy and don't burn too much fuel in too short a period, it doesn't cost much more than day-to-day life. Have a great trip. Royce
AnswerID: 8962

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