Wednesday, Nov 20, 2002 at 01:00
I wouldnt mind hearing from the original robert re the questions posed.
Yeay Grazza
thanks -
To the other robert - (I think you need to do more reading between the lines when you read my stuff)
you still missed my point, I dont care what a holden barina weighs (you compare barinas with a patrol and yet you cant figure where Im comiing from???? ) I dont care right now what the anti 4wd lobby says either.
The patrol is built on a 3 tonne truck chassis thats a fact. It is heavier than a car chassis or subframe thats a fact. The patrol IS a heavy vehicle because its designed to do a hard job carrying a lot of weight. It rarely spends any time at its unlaiden weight
mine weighed around 2.4tonnes last time I ran it over the weighbridge and that was my standard fit out (no passengers and their gear).
A barina??????
If you start comparing barinas to GQ patrols you will confuse far more people than I ever will. Because there is NO comparison worth discussing . I also was a professional driver for 10 yrs (always will be too) .
In my experienced opinion the performance,handling, braking and build/weight etc of the barina cannot be compared to a small truck.
- If you need to defend the unlaiden weight and fuel consumption of a Patrol then you have different agendas to me and thats ok - just dont cloud the issues of the original question and my answer.
To the
forum in general -
All I have to add is that yes changing the gearing will improve fuel consumption but no good in the bush - but ok in town
Again Toorak tractor vs working ORV.
If the thing spends little or no time in the bush Why have it?
I notice lots of issues regarding the compromises to be made by having a dedicated offroader (fuel consumption, tyres, parts accessories etc).
Fact is what does it do? Whats important to you?. If you want good fuel consumption buy a commodore, I really got a kick out of a post a few months back - people were having winge because they cant get an offroad tyre that does 200kph and still goes rockhopping? Cant have everything I guess.
Admittedly roberts patrol is too thirsty I dont think we have all the info as yet. ie, Is it gas? 60 or 95 lit tank? etc etc
I like the GQ 3lit petrol motor for reasons expressed in past posts of
mine (I hate repeating stuff) it is very economical yet when worked to it powerband quite high performance.
Follow Up By: Robert - Thursday, Nov 21, 2002 at 01:00
Thursday, Nov 21, 2002 at 01:00
Gee Kezza do you have a chip on your shoulder or just got out of the wrong side of the bed lately?
You didn't say in your first post that the 3 tonne weight was a fully loaded vehicle!
And I didn't mention anything about comparing the handling, performance or build etc of a Patrol to a Barina. I was simply pointing out that the Patrol is only twice the weight of the Barina and therefore not the MONSTER TRUCK that you are maybe suggesting it is.
I did point out in my post that the vehicle is designed to perform offroad (Which also includes being able to carry/tow weight) and therefore fuel consumption is due more to it's designed purpose rather than it's actual weight. Also I don't know about your Patrol Kezza but my Patrol's fuel consumption isn't really affected that much when carrying extra weight.
I'm sure the Robert who posted the question is just as concerned about fuel consumption of his vehicle when it's unladen as compared to carrying a load.
After all, his question didn't ask about fuel consumption of a fully laden vehicle did it!
Follow Up By: Robert - Thursday, Nov 21, 2002 at 01:00
Thursday, Nov 21, 2002 at 01:00
Something I should have added:
Kezza I know in your first post although you didn't actually say the Patrol weighed 3 tonnes you were however implying that the Patrol is a very heavy truck like vehicle. And with the unclear way in which you worded your post you are certainly giving people the impression that a Patrol weighs 3 tonnes. I think you obviously realised this yourself and therefore made the following statement in your next post to cover yourself:
"by the time a patrol has 3-5 people a gutful of fuel and water recovery gear and suppliesetc etc there is very little change out of 3 tonnes"
Follow Up By: Kezza - Thursday, Nov 21, 2002 at 01:00
Thursday, Nov 21, 2002 at 01:00
Robert you've made a big thing out of nothing! Your comprehension of what I said and assumptions of why I said things astound me.
If you've got a missus you must driver her insane with this petty sort of stuff - get a life.
Lets drop it for the rest of the folk who are looking for a good read.
Follow Up By: Robert - Friday, Nov 22, 2002 at 01:00
Friday, Nov 22, 2002 at 01:00
Sorry if I've upset you. Have a good weekend.