TD27 Terrano cooling system upgrade update

Submitted: Wednesday, Jun 15, 2005 at 19:43
ThreadID: 23899 Views:5370 Replies:2 FollowUps:1
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Information linked to posts 21603, 21127 and various others.

For the long weekend went up to the local place, 5 Rocks, near Rockhampton, to test out the new cooling system in the Terrano. So far have upgraded the radiator to a 3 core, and fitted a head temperature sensor and guage. In a nut shell the new radiator performed very well, didn't seem to heat up to over critical levels, what i have learnt is that the head (under moderate to hard sand dune driving) will fluctuate between 90 and 100 degress C. (Normal operating temp is 78 to 82 C)
At one stage the head shot up to 115 C and dumped a small amount into the overflow bottle, which was sucked back in when the engine had only about 5 minutes to cool down. (Still running). All in all i was very impressed with the performance of the Terrano in the sand, considering i have open diffs.
On a bit of a 'what are you guys on about note' my friend has a 2001 2.8L patrol and she absolutley performed brilliantly in the sand and with some rather difficult uphill articulation testing climbs.

While i have the post open, I have had some more than neccisary experince with the bush mechanic skills that i have learnt. I busted a high pressure power steering line on the saturday and then proceeded to patch it with some 3mm rubber and hose clamps and it held up all weekend. We also had some idiot roll his duel cab hilux SR5 on the beach while playing in the water.

I know that Oscar will read this, but has anyone done a or planning to do a intercooler set-up on the diesel terrano or narvara???????? I would seroiusly like some info on the proposed set-ups.

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Reply By: GUPatrol - Wednesday, Jun 15, 2005 at 22:43

Wednesday, Jun 15, 2005 at 22:43
Read post 23688 about the TD42 engines with same temperature issues, the engines TD42 and TD27 are basically the same engine, same design, read my replies on them.
The TD27 engine which is the engine used also on Terrano II in Europe (and here for a very limited time) has the same temperature issues, which are not too bad as long as you know they exist and keep an eye on the gauge, it is related to the design of the head.
AnswerID: 115963

Reply By: robak (QLD) - Thursday, Jun 16, 2005 at 12:38

Thursday, Jun 16, 2005 at 12:38

This guy has put in an intercooler from a skyline.


AnswerID: 116017

Follow Up By: SantaAus - Thursday, Jun 16, 2005 at 21:57

Thursday, Jun 16, 2005 at 21:57
Thanks for that robak, iahve already seen it anyways. It will be one of the options that i might head down later this year.
FollowupID: 371646

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