Garmin etrax Legend

Submitted: Saturday, May 07, 2005 at 16:37
ThreadID: 22746 Views:2780 Replies:5 FollowUps:4
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Hi Guy's just purchased a garmin etrex legend only has australia base map loaded on it, it's very basic, Doe's anyone know if you can get a topographic's map for this unit. I don't really wont to put street maps on it because i already have a navman. any comments would be great thanks.
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Reply By: Utemad - Saturday, May 07, 2005 at 18:55

Saturday, May 07, 2005 at 18:55
It will have the Asia Pacific base map.

These are the only maps you can put on your Garmin unit.

If you want topographic maps then buy Oziexplorer CE for your Navman.
AnswerID: 110193

Reply By: Troll83 - Monday, May 09, 2005 at 10:28

Monday, May 09, 2005 at 10:28
Hi There

I have the same as you. You can buy a CD from any GPS shop called metroguide. This will give you all the street names etc you need to find your way around. They also have a coupld of other maps. The unit can only store 8mb of data I think so when ever you go somewhere that's not in the GPS fire up the program on the computer and download the new maps onto it. Very easy and when you get back you can upload your data back onto the computer to show where you have been

AnswerID: 110400

Follow Up By: Sam07 - Monday, May 09, 2005 at 12:08

Monday, May 09, 2005 at 12:08
Thanks for for your help I just found a little problem with it , If i am travelling in my car on a major hwy my position on the map page shows off to one side of the road and some times crosses the hwy and back again have you experienced this problem, Or does it read your position on the map page more correctly if i install metroguide. As at the moment it only has the base map on it.
FollowupID: 366938

Follow Up By: Troll83 - Monday, May 09, 2005 at 14:29

Monday, May 09, 2005 at 14:29
check your zoom setting, if you have the zoom to close then it might do that. I have found that it does that on mine still even with metroguide...but if you zoom out a little bit you will only see one line, I think 100m or so will do it. I think the 2 line thing might be one lane going one way and the other one the other way...that's the only thing I have come up with
FollowupID: 366957

Follow Up By: Niko - Tuesday, May 24, 2005 at 22:22

Tuesday, May 24, 2005 at 22:22
The inaccuracy is the map, not the typical 6 metre inaccuracy of the GPS. a road width is only 6 metres and your Etrex will only show a 5 metre zoom max. The basemap is not based on the datums the GPS uses to position itself, it is said the map is older than GPS and my belief is that because the map is accurate sometimes but mostly not the map has not been ported into the Garmin using the same datum. It would be like overlaying Streetsmart and a UBD street directory that are scaled differently and inherent printing errors. The fact that stirling highway in Perth runs along in the Swan river rather on its banks is clear to me the map is shifted too far to the left and south, however other areas it is spot on or too far the other way. That's why you get the road shifting from one side to the next on your GPS by several hundred metres in some cases.

Metroguide and City Navigator uses a database (known as a dataset) from Whereis, which is a division of Sensis and is owned by Telstra. If you look at your street directory you may find it has the Whereis or Sensis logo on it. The dataset within major population areas are extremley accurate, down to around a metre or better, whilst country towns and roads are based aerial photographs ( a few metres) or in some cases satellite imagery (10 metres). Thus on the outback roads you may find the road shift as far away as 10 metres to either side. Much of this country stuff is from MapInfo. There are bound to be some aerrors, and at the Whereis web site you can put in a form to let them know where the serious errors occured that you had found on your trips.

On the Whereis web site you will see they brag about who uses their datasets.

I hope this has enlightened those who were confused rather than confusing them more :)
FollowupID: 368876

Reply By: Helen - Wednesday, May 11, 2005 at 16:28

Wednesday, May 11, 2005 at 16:28
I thought it had to do with the satalite accuracy, it maybe accurate to 8 metres which would put a line next to or crossing over the road.

I have a Garmin Etrex Legend and I would like to know if OziExplorer is as easy &/or better to use than MapSource for 4wdriving? I am thinking of getting it and the Natmap raster 250k maps cd. Has anyone already done so?
AnswerID: 110840

Follow Up By: Elsewhere9 - Sunday, May 15, 2005 at 21:40

Sunday, May 15, 2005 at 21:40
Hi Helen,

I have just purchased OziExplorer software and Natmap Raster maps, and am looking at the Garmin Etrex Legend to use with it.

Any comments either good or bad on the Legend?

FollowupID: 367721

Reply By: Helen - Wednesday, May 18, 2005 at 17:33

Wednesday, May 18, 2005 at 17:33
Hi Greg

Now that I know how to use it I think it's great but, just like a computer it's only as good as the info you put into it. Making routes is easy with mapsource metroguide for just about anywhere except off the beaten track where I want to use it. This is why I would like to know if oziexplorer and natmap 2005 would be a better choice for more off road stuff.

However I have found the garmin ledend great and trackback works really well.
AnswerID: 111818

Reply By: Niko - Tuesday, May 24, 2005 at 22:02

Tuesday, May 24, 2005 at 22:02
The Australian Basemap is inherently inaccurate to the extent in some parts of Australia it is out as much as 1 km. It is a means for you to see where you are approximate to a major highway, road, river, city, town, lake etc. Garmin only have street maps and marine maps. If you wanted desert tracks you should have bought a Magellan. There are no topo maps for the Garmin but they are promising one sometime this year.... hopefully, whilst Magellan are going to have it in the stores next month for sureish. Apparently just organising the packaging otherwise the CD is ready to go.
AnswerID: 112684

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