Followup tp post 22492

Submitted: Saturday, Apr 30, 2005 at 16:41
ThreadID: 22514 Views:1397 Replies:2 FollowUps:0
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Evening everyone.

You all use the internet and as such should be aware of what's in the following link.

It is a very timely reminder that everyone is responsible for their own actions and can't hide behind the good old stand by of :-

'I didn't know it was wrong to do it'

The law is fast catching up with the vaguaries of cybercrime and people are now starting to find out that if they 'participate in the crime they run a real risk of doing some time'.,5478,15110288%255E2862,00.html

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Reply By: Footloose - Saturday, Apr 30, 2005 at 17:02

Saturday, Apr 30, 2005 at 17:02
If the defendant is telling the truth, then he is only guilty of unknowingly receiving. He may have been the wrong guy in the wrong place at the wrong time. I've seen the Russian almost convined me that it was legit.
I also do (very legit) business with o/s occasionally and am wary of anything untoward. But another poor sap may not be able to distinguish between legit and questionable.
Like a lot of people I've been scammed and learned from the experience. And yes I want the ^%&^% prosecuted.
But I'm not going to convict this guy in my mind on the basis of a newspaper report.
Remember, it COULD of been the dingo !
AnswerID: 108948

Reply By: motherhen - Saturday, Apr 30, 2005 at 18:53

Saturday, Apr 30, 2005 at 18:53
Poor gullible fool? Or maybe he was so desparate for $$s he was willing to take a risk? If my "spam bust" service doesn't stop all the emails of that nature, i have a delete key & a "block sender" function for the future. And i could do with the extra 44s too.
AnswerID: 108967

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