The bright side of gbetting a tow

Submitted: Thursday, Apr 28, 2005 at 19:48
ThreadID: 22459 Views:1978 Replies:7 FollowUps:5
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Well i wasn't going to spill the beans but here goes...........I was on the way to taking SWMBO to work last night with the knowledge that the alternator was kaput but with the faith the juice i gave the battery with the charger would see us thru. Wrong!!!!!!! Chugg chugg and nothing.........Called the RAA and they called for a tow. How embarressing i thought. What if someone we know sees us? Worse still....what if a tojo spots us? But then it happened. As we took off in the tow truck i spotted another tow truck in the distance......"some other sucker like us i mentioned" As we got closer to him i notoced it was a 60 Series Cruiser. Woooooooohoooooooo i said to the driver.....don't let that sucker beat you. So it was with great pride i waved to the owners of the 60 as our Isuzu tow truck passes their Isuzu tow truck. We showed those Tojo's alright!!!!
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