To the Aussie Jeep Community: AJPD has moved to a new home

Submitted: Wednesday, Apr 20, 2005 at 08:20
ThreadID: 22217 Views:2190 Replies:1 FollowUps:1
This Thread has been Archived
To current users of the Australian Jeep Photo Directory... please now go here:

Welcome to the new website "Aussie Jeep Images dot com" - a proper domain name :) (Gone is old IP-address-only website)

I've uploaded all 3.8Gb (compressed!!) worth of users, albums & nearly 8,000 images as of this morning (19th April 2005) to the new server in the USA. It took.... along time - even at 10Mbps.

Please note that any linked images & avatars from the old site ( will dissappear as I've take it offline last night. Please find your images and re-link them to the new site if you use the gallery to display linked images on this site (ExplorOz).

Let me know how it goes, as I'm expecting a problem or two - even though I've upgraded to the latest stable version of the software.

Expect it to be a bit slower than the old site, as it is on a shared server and not a dedicated one like it used to be in my office. Performance is still pretty acceptable. C'est la vie...... I couldn't afford the over-bandwidth chages every month (several hundred dollars :cry: ).

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Reply By: Member - RockyOne - Wednesday, Apr 20, 2005 at 09:32

Wednesday, Apr 20, 2005 at 09:32
Thanks Chrispy for the effort you must have put into all this,not to mention the bucks also..Look frd to checking it out.Will report back after posting/checking images..Rgs RockyOne
AnswerID: 107504

Follow Up By: Member - Chrispy (NSW) - Wednesday, Apr 20, 2005 at 11:06

Wednesday, Apr 20, 2005 at 11:06
Thanks Rocky! :)

Nice XJ by the way.... I've always liked the diesel, but could never find one. Ended up getting the 2.7 CRD WJ instead.

FollowupID: 364400

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