Tuesday, Apr 12, 2005 at 21:54
Well, I've come in a bit late on this one, & was just gunna chuck in my 2-bobs worth, but the response & follow-up above pretty much sum up what I was gunna say....
I will however, elaborate....
There's pipe threads, and there's pipe threads....
In this particular case, it would be BSPT (British Standard Pipe Tapered)... This is a "sealing" thread, though ya still need to use a sealing compound...
BSPP (British Standard Pipe Parallel) is I believe, the standard for gas fittings, and is a "joining" thread, the sealing being accomplished by ferrules, or tapered fittings (not the thread itself)...
Further, BSP threads have a 55deg. pitch, while NPT (National Pipe Tapered) threads have a 60deg. pitch.... TPI (Threads Per Inch) is also different with each size... As mentioned, NPT is the American standard, & not so common here....
While I'm here... Roachie, I believe that barb fitting (with the rubber cap on it) in the thermostat housing cover is in fact an air bleed... you're s'posed to remove that (the cap) when refilling the rad. after emptying/flushing.. lets the air outa the system... You'll find that there is another of these in the heater hose near the firewall....
Catch ya later... Ed. C.
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