Hecklers and tough guys wanted
Submitted: Tuesday, Feb 08, 2005 at 16:15
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Tough guys wanted to pull me out of the mud or tell me what size winch you think I'd need to place on a Toyota Coaster.
I WILL be taking it up mild 4x4 tracks. It seems that today I annoyed a couple of ladies who think a Coaster belongs on a sealed road.
I'm ignoring them and am gonna gear up. I admit i am a novice but I'm getting into this activity anyway.
My main concern in mud.
The bus weighs ??? I dont know I guess 6 tonne??
What pound winch will I need?
How big can you get them?
What are the traps and pitfalls?
Where can I go to learn how to use this stuff hands on?
Any advice welcome.
Any hecklers welcome too... I laugh too...
Reply By: Member - Blue (VIC) - Tuesday, Feb 08, 2005 at 17:54
Tuesday, Feb 08, 2005 at 17:54
iMusty, assuming you are serious, and as you posted a second time I think you may just be... I'm sitting in my computer room looking at the coaster across the road(local catholic school jobby) and I'm thinking the ramp over angle(angle between the centre of the chassis and the point at which your wheels contact the road) is fairly insufficient. I honestly think the first errosion bank you come across will pull you up. Also the departure angle(angle between the rearmost part of the underside of the bus and where the rear wheel contacts the road) will also cause you some problems. This is based solely on my experiences on the tracks around
Melbourne. As for the winch, I had to use a tirfor to get a shorty landcruiser out of a bog once, nearly killed me. I couldn't believe the effort involved, I'd imagine if you bogged the bus it would be life changing experience getting it free. If it's an electric job you want, talk to the experts at ARB, TJM, Opposite Lock or the like... You may find it difficult to get one fitted.
Good luck
Follow Up By: iMusty - Wednesday, Feb 09, 2005 at 01:09
Wednesday, Feb 09, 2005 at 01:09
Good to hear your advice.
Yes the coaster does indeed look 'churchy'.
I figured if I dont wanna get stuck having to pray, I could take it along an expenditional growing curve.
I just want to take it as far as I can see, and when I get there, I'll see how much further I can take it.
Thanks for your valuable advice.
Reply By: BenSpoon - Tuesday, Feb 08, 2005 at 19:43
Tuesday, Feb 08, 2005 at 19:43
have ya looked into mud chains? bogged in mud with that much weight trying to overcome inertia will be your biggest challenge- I assume you are keen to do mainly road kms- so with a LT or AT tyre- Chains are sounding like a solid investment.
In regards to a winch, It may pay to look at some of the portable options, and ensure you have solid tow points in each corner. A 12000lb I imagine would be sufficient with a winch block (halves the pulling force on the winch required by doubling the distance of the rope pulled in). It seems to be the way to go for the heavier vehicles- a web serch revealed a number of small trucks and buses with them. Warn makes a 15000lb winch, but recommendations on getting a portable one so it can work in all directions. I know i've got enough problems with the back of my car slipping around in mud and thats only 4-odd metres long.
As for learning how/where to use it, give a look into joining your local SES- they are about the easiest access mob that have vehicles used to a somewhat similar capacity, you can get 4WD instructional courses through them, and get to see how they use their gear.
The major concern though, as mentioned- with ground clearance like that, you WILL find strife offroad, unless you turn your car into a boat by making up a giant skid plate and dragging your arse all over the country.. finding the centre of gravity wouldnt hurt.
Have you already got the coaster? Mitsubishi has a few 4WD canters that seem popular outback too.
Reply By: Bilbo - Tuesday, Feb 08, 2005 at 22:43
Tuesday, Feb 08, 2005 at 22:43
I had a prospecting mate that got bogged in a Coaster one time at Nannine. Itbleepdown raining overnight while he was asleep. The Coaster sank up the belly in deep red Goldfields mud. Digging it out took him 2 days. It affected him for the rest of his life.
Now, as soon as he sees a cloud on the horizon - ZOOM! - he's off into the caravan park at the nearest town. Doesn't do as much detecting as he used to, uses more fuel though ;)
Back 'n too, back 'n too, back 'n too ,,,,,,,,,,,,