New rules coming for WA on lifting 4bs

Submitted: Friday, Jan 07, 2005 at 15:52
ThreadID: 19148 Views:3091 Replies:3 FollowUps:1
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In WA, the department of planning and infrasture have imposed a 2" height maximum for lifts, which includes body, suspension and tyres. Anything over 2" you need to perform a lane change test. Anything over standard (up until 2") need to go over the pits to be approved. Also any modification you do to a vehicle needs prior approval before you undertake it.

So I have been speaking to a local shop who undertake 4x4 mods. They have been doing the lane change test in the past and getting them legal. However some of his customers have recently been declined permits to undertake modifications. Apprently one guy got a lawer involved and he has not found any legislation that stipulates the maximum height of a vehicle or size of tyres.

So do other states have this in legislation ??? To me it looks like the WA planing and infrasture do not want to deal with these modifications and are now just not approving them at all. While in the past they tried to enforce a very dificult and expensive test to try and deter these kind of mods. Is this illegal for them to do this ??? Are they alowed to make up rules with out legislation behind it ??

So this leads me to the question does this mean that all we need to do is ensure that our 4x4's adhear to ADR rules?? Are there any ADR's pertaining to height of vehicles and tyre size?? Do we have to adhear to current ADR's or ADR's for the year of the vehicle in question ??? Any web links to ADR's ???

Should vehicle modifications be a federal policy and have nothing to do with the states?? Arn't ADR's federal, therefore the states have no legal enforcement to make there own rules related to modifications??? If a company was to build a vehicle that meet ADR's and then sold it thoughout Australia, but it broke some state enforced guidlines, what would happen????

Anyone out there with legal background or vehicle engineering background care to have some input??
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