Fraser Island and Caravan

Submitted: Thursday, Aug 22, 2002 at 00:00
ThreadID: 1797 Views:2474 Replies:7 FollowUps:4
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I like to know if someone has experience in caravaning on fraser Island?
IS it possible to go to some places to stay there?
Thanks for the response
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Reply By: greg g - Friday, Aug 23, 2002 at 00:00

Friday, Aug 23, 2002 at 00:00
without knowing the size of the van or type of towing veicle the question is a little hard to answer.I have towed quite a heavy off road camper trailer with a diesel 4Runner and a friend a Jayco Eagle with a petrol Patrol.You could certainly go up the eastern beach at low tide up as far as Waddy Point which is about as far North you would want to camp anyway.When the Toyota Fishing Classic is on in May,there are
huge boats and vans towed up the beach from the barge at Inskip Point.The only soft patches are where the barge leaves and arrives.I have no experience in comming over from the Hervey Bay side but not a lot of people camp on that side anyway especially in the warmer months.
Once on the beach access to good camping spots above the high water mark should not be a problem.Inland camping spots would definately be more difficult to get to especially with the tourist busses on some of the narrow tracks..Any how if your veichle can tow your van over a bit of soft sand go for it to go when Qld School Holidays are NOT on..Regards Greg G
AnswerID: 5962

Follow Up By: Threisinger - Friday, Aug 23, 2002 at 00:00

Friday, Aug 23, 2002 at 00:00
Hi Gereg,

thanks for the response. It is quit helpful. The car will be a toyota Landcruiser and the caravan a 18ft one. I think I will t4ry it. We will be there in mid of October.
Regards Thomas
FollowupID: 2597

Reply By: greg g - Saturday, Aug 24, 2002 at 00:00

Saturday, Aug 24, 2002 at 00:00
Hi Thomas Buy yourself a Hema Map of Fraser. National Parks give you a little pack when you buy your permit for access and camping however the map is a bit sketchy..Have a great time Regards Greg g
AnswerID: 5994

Reply By: Andrew D - Saturday, Aug 24, 2002 at 00:00

Saturday, Aug 24, 2002 at 00:00
I would add that it is very important for you to deflate both the cars and vans tyres so you can get some flotation especially in the softer bits. Watch out for the wash aways on the beach. It'd be interesting to say the least to watch a van being bounced through these at speed!!!!!
AnswerID: 5997

Reply By: Member - Keith - Saturday, Aug 24, 2002 at 00:00

Saturday, Aug 24, 2002 at 00:00
Mate, I have an 80 LC and tow a 20 foot van and I have towed it over many thousands of Ks. I would not even dream of taking it to Fraser. I would leave it at Hervey Bay and camp on the Island. If you decide to go, I suggest that you do some research including the Qld Parks Dept etc. Post a message on this forum after your trip to let us all know how it goes.
AnswerID: 6011

Follow Up By: Graham - Sunday, Aug 25, 2002 at 00:00

Sunday, Aug 25, 2002 at 00:00
I'm with Keith, at best you may be able to get on at Inskip and stick to the eastern beach and find a spot up off the beach (anywhere between Eurong and Happy Valley is reasonbly central to set up and commute to the sites) Do not attempt the internal tracks, it is not towing the the van that will be the problem, it is when you come up against oncoming traffic on the single tracks. Very annoying having to reverse to find a lay by to pull off into.
Hope this helps
FollowupID: 2634

Follow Up By: Dave - Sunday, Aug 25, 2002 at 00:00

Sunday, Aug 25, 2002 at 00:00
Here here, As said, if your plan is only to camp on the beach or perhaps Dundabarra or Cathedral, then pick your tides and you will be fine, I frequently need to tow trailers on the island but thankfully at these times I am in convoy and send a vehicle well ahead to give me warning of oncoming traffic.
The average four wheel driver is most courteous and considerate of the special needs of a towing vehicle, backpackers, buses and the idiots who use the island as nothing more than a week on the XXXX or VB are not.

FollowupID: 2636

Reply By: geoff - Monday, Aug 26, 2002 at 00:00

Monday, Aug 26, 2002 at 00:00
Hi Threisinger I just got back from Fraser Is and I would not like to tow a 18 foot van along the track from the east beach to Waddy point. Do yourself and the van a favour leave it at home and hire a camper.

Regards geoff
AnswerID: 6049

Reply By: Bob - Tuesday, Aug 27, 2002 at 00:00

Tuesday, Aug 27, 2002 at 00:00
I agree with those who say leave the van on the mainland. Having seen solo vehicles stuck in the sand I wouldn't even consider taking my 16ft van. I have a good quality tent and camping gear for off road work. Enjoy your trip!!
AnswerID: 6087

Follow Up By: Jules - Sunday, Sep 01, 2002 at 00:00

Sunday, Sep 01, 2002 at 00:00
re towing on Fraser Island - we took our dingo camper trailer & 4wd over last August - from Hervey Bay - firistly we had to back down the ramp on to the barge - very diffuctult with heaps of people watching - went across to Lake MacKenzie - had a great spot to camp - but the road - rutty - hilly - most especially with any oncoming traffic - who all think THEY have right of way - as to going on from Inskip point - two couples with camper trailers came on that way and got bogged in teh sand fro 5 hours - very hairy - need to carefully watch tides - but can't you camp at Dilhi village with a caravan - personally I would only ever take a tent if we go again - not worth the dramas - we also had to back off the barge to Hervey Bay on the way back - again most diffucult!
Had a great time tho - look out for backpackers who believe that we have to manufacture clouds in a cloud factory - think it might have been a sugar mill!!!
FollowupID: 2754

Reply By: mudgutz - Wednesday, Sep 11, 2002 at 00:00

Wednesday, Sep 11, 2002 at 00:00
having been to fraser several times ...i have seen 21 foot boats and vans towed from inskip to waddy piont and back good running along the eastern beach...... at low tide is the only time to go though...the hardest part will be the hill at indian head...stay away from the inland tracks backpackers in hire 4wd drive like rats and have no regards for the need of someone whos advice is to leave the van on the mainland and take a tent this way you can see all of fraser its a beaut spot ....give the holidays a miss though it will seem like the big smoke with all the traffic if you go then
AnswerID: 6543

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