Ford Ranger Dooverlacky mystery

Submitted: Friday, Aug 30, 2024 at 11:19
ThreadID: 148374 Views:1435 Replies:5 FollowUps:10
I have a Ranger 2019 Double PU XLT according to my paperwork and am wondering if anyone has come across the mystery metal strap as per photo of the rear driver side chassis?
No sign of one on left side. Don’t think it is a wigwam for a goose’s bridle, I seem to have a few of those around the place.
My mechanical workshop manager who owns the model before mine suggested it is a prank by someone, and the few other Ranger owners I know haven’t seen one like this.

I purchased the vehicle as a demo four years ago and only noticed the strap earlier this year, but I am not overly observant, especially with motor vehicles. I haven’t been back to the dealer since I found them difficult to deal with in the first few months, so reluctant to discuss it with them unless I have to and really I am just being curious.

I checked a few Rangers skulking around the local shopping car park without noticing one alike. I will probably be challenged by someone if I keep that up.

The metal strap is quite heavy metal – almost rigid but won’t slip out when pulled with a pair of pliers, so suspect it must have been built in for a purpose and who better to ask than EO?

Cheers - Phil
Phil 'n Jill (WA)

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Reply By: Member - John - Friday, Aug 30, 2024 at 11:23

Friday, Aug 30, 2024 at 11:23
Phil, Bit hard to comment/reply with out pics
John and Jan

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AnswerID: 646435

Follow Up By: Member - Phil 'n Jill (WA) - Friday, Aug 30, 2024 at 11:31

Friday, Aug 30, 2024 at 11:31
OOPS - excuse a dodderer please - will try to get that added
Phil 'n Jill (WA)

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FollowupID: 926987

Reply By: Member - Phil 'n Jill (WA) - Friday, Aug 30, 2024 at 11:36

Friday, Aug 30, 2024 at 11:36
See if this fixes the photo bit
Phil 'n Jill (WA)

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AnswerID: 646436

Reply By: Peter_n_Margaret - Friday, Aug 30, 2024 at 11:48

Friday, Aug 30, 2024 at 11:48
I know nothing about Rangers, but I would guess that it is attach to and holds a loose part like a nut or bracket or something similar inside the chassis rail while it is secured by a bolt or something similar from the other side during assembly.
OKA196 motorhome
AnswerID: 646437

Follow Up By: Member - Phil 'n Jill (WA) - Friday, Aug 30, 2024 at 12:00

Friday, Aug 30, 2024 at 12:00
Thanks - that theory was brought up in conversation, but whilst it sounds like a great idea I struggle with the logistics of it and wonder why it would only be applied on one side

If it was for a bullbar, it would need to be to the front and the towing hitch receiver is already in place - but as I alluded earlier, the wonders of motor vehicles (particularly 12v) are beyond my capacity to comprehend.

cheers - Phil
Phil 'n Jill (WA)

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FollowupID: 926988

Follow Up By: Peter_n_Margaret - Friday, Aug 30, 2024 at 12:07

Friday, Aug 30, 2024 at 12:07
You can buy an endoscope camera for $10 and have a look.
Everyone's tool box needs one. :)
Or borrow one?
OKA196 motorhome
FollowupID: 926989

Follow Up By: Member - William B - Friday, Aug 30, 2024 at 19:46

Friday, Aug 30, 2024 at 19:46
I agree.
I've seen similar doohickeys like that for placing a nut where you can't physically put your fingers.
Sometimes you can give it a good shellacking and it will break loose.
Always planning the next trip. VKS-737 mobile 1619

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FollowupID: 926993

Follow Up By: Member - Phil 'n Jill (WA) - Friday, Aug 30, 2024 at 22:38

Friday, Aug 30, 2024 at 22:38
Certainly beginning to appear that way William. Wasted on my shift though, perhaps the next owner can put it to some use, but no hurry to shift it along yet.

To coin a kimberley phrase - 'It's better to be looking at it, than looking for it'

Cheers - Phil
Phil 'n Jill (WA)

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FollowupID: 926995

Follow Up By: Member - David M (SA) - Saturday, Aug 31, 2024 at 16:54

Saturday, Aug 31, 2024 at 16:54
Possibly an aerial for a tracking device. Nothing to be concerned about.
FollowupID: 927003

Reply By: RMD - Friday, Aug 30, 2024 at 12:03

Friday, Aug 30, 2024 at 12:03
Phil.. Because Jill will most likely not be under the vehicle , have a look on the inside approx where the origin of that tag goes to. There WILL BE something bolted to the inner chassis face and that bolt will need as Peter said, a NUT or threaded plate on the inside. Show us the pic on the other side and it will all be revealed. It could be a FRAUD original and no one tucked it inside the chassis. at the factory.
AnswerID: 646438

Follow Up By: Member - Phil 'n Jill (WA) - Friday, Aug 30, 2024 at 13:24

Friday, Aug 30, 2024 at 13:24
Thanks RMD - I reckon anyone would be hard pushed to get that bit of gear tucked away through the hole - it is slightly flexy but not enough to tuck away.

It looks for all the world like a leftover top end of a dipstick but it must be welded into the inside of the frame.

Might have to chase up Peter's sugggestion to scope the inside if I get a chance.

Regards - Phil
Phil 'n Jill (WA)

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FollowupID: 926991

Follow Up By: RMD - Saturday, Aug 31, 2024 at 12:17

Saturday, Aug 31, 2024 at 12:17
Why scope the inside, You could of course, but what it is there for is to bolt something to the chassis on the inner face as mentioned, I would want to know what that is, rather than know there is a plate or bolt with an arm on it. you know that already!
FollowupID: 926999

Follow Up By: Member - Phil 'n Jill (WA) - Saturday, Aug 31, 2024 at 17:14

Saturday, Aug 31, 2024 at 17:14
Yair your'e right - but I guess as long as is isn't slowing me down I don't think I will let it bother me much - just one of those things that nags you from time to time - see something out of place and wonder if it will affect the operation of the vehicle - seems it won't, so no drama.

Thanks for the help.

Happy travels - Phil
Phil 'n Jill (WA)

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FollowupID: 927004

Reply By: axle - Friday, Aug 30, 2024 at 13:29

Friday, Aug 30, 2024 at 13:29
G/Day Phil.

Just Maybe someone was chasing a black snake and he's gone in that hole !

The Doverlacky they where using to retrieve him caught on something and that's where it stayed


Cheers Axle.
AnswerID: 646440

Follow Up By: Member - Phil 'n Jill (WA) - Friday, Aug 30, 2024 at 13:47

Friday, Aug 30, 2024 at 13:47
Trust you to bring back Friday funnies....

Thanks Axle - cheers mate
Phil 'n Jill (WA)

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FollowupID: 926992

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