Mt. Baw Baw

Submitted: Tuesday, Jul 20, 2004 at 00:42
ThreadID: 14823 Views:1789 Replies:0 FollowUps:0
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Hi Everyone!!

Went for day trip to Mt. Baw Baw this weekend!! Great fun! For those who prefer smaller alpine village without big concrete hotels and similar stuff it is a great place to go!!! Good snow cover and all sotrs of activities available , but one that I liked the most is - Once you get tired or wanna have a laugh and rest, go to the top of the "Home run" lean on the snow making cannon, have a smoke (optional) and bleep your self laughing as you watch snowboarding school freshmen trying to brake as they descend down the slope (not sure what lesson will be on when you get there). Backflips, frontflips, head dives etc.etc. I made sure though that they don't see me laughing, first because I didn't want them to loose their confidence, second, I didn't want to bleep them of and get a snowboard across my back, or .. was that in reverse order...not sure. Anyway it is a great place to go only 2.5 hours of easy driving from SE Melbourne.
Word of advice - get snow chains as early as you can!!! I waited to get it at the second last place and prick decided to close it!!! Last place, panic, and of course, they didn't have chains to suit my rubber!!! Went ahead anyway after checking that chains were fitted only to 2WD and temparature was froecasted to rise. Everything went well. Slept for 14 hours yesterday : ) feel like 80-year old today!!!

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