Closure - S.A Conservation Parks

On the weekend I attempted to visit Pandappa Conservation Park (just east of Terowie). I've been to this park 6-7 times over the past 20 years.

The park has now been locked up, there is no public access.

A call to the Dept of Environment and Water has elicited that it was closed due to firewood thefts. I find this reason only semi-believable given the nature of the vegetation and the park location. Even if it were true it appears that DEW have jumped to the thermonuclear option of permanently closing the park to public access prior to any other enforcement actions.

The Ranger I spoke to also pointed out there were no facilities in the park and it was therefore also closed to camping for this reason, despite it having been accessible for camping since the mid 1970s and park signage being very suggestive that camping was welcome (information about when fires can be used for example). I was further informed that if I chose to join a Working Bee with a volunteer organisation that I might be able to get in to the park - thanks, but no thanks - I already dedicate my time to other conservation activities.

The only published management plan for this park specifically references camping and vehicular access (1994 Management Plan.)

The closure of this park smacks of a small group of jumped up public servants acting well beyond their charter - possibly with the best interests of the park in mind, maybe not, but certainly not taking into account and balancing the interests of future generations having continued access to some of the smaller less visited parks in S.A. I am continuing to explore the justification, management framework and background to the closure of this park to vehicular traffic and camping.

I hope this is an isolated decision but I am keen to hear of any other S.A. Conservation Parks that have closed in the past few years. I have been to many of them but won't get a chance to revisit to confirm access to so many of them any time soon.

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