Thursday, Jun 15, 2023 at 16:35
Hi Again Julie
These may give you a better idea of track conditions and show you what to expect re track conditions.
As for a reply above regarding stations being sold and mining activates,
Rawlinna Station is part of the
Jumbuck Pastoral Company that is managed here in South Australia and dealing first hand with the company, they never sell any of their assets, rather they buy up.
Yes there is mining activities closer to Kalgoorlie, but not around
We spoke to the
Cocklebiddy Roadhouse before leaving and the advise was keep heading north, but when you get to the
Dingo Gate and fence, do not follow the track to the right, but actually open the
gate and then keep following it and you will not get lost.
Track conditions were very slow and was not a race, rather slow and steady and watch out for the
limestone rocks. After leaving the
Dog Fence Gate track conditions greatly improved and to keep you on track, there were large signs welded to the side of the many gates, with
direction markers which were very clear and concise.
As you enter the main Trans Access Road, you will be a few kilometres actually west of the
Rawlinna Siding, so its a matter of turning right to see what
Rawlinna Siding is like. The main road now, all the way to Kalgoorlie and managed with the railways, it is super wide and in very good condition. The only time this road is closed is in times of heavy rainfall to stop any damage on the great road.
But before you start, seek local advise first to the most up to date conitions.
Now for these photos that will give you a far better idea of actual conditions.
Safe Travels.
The track north is slow going, but easy going providing its dry.
There are many gates to open. Also you are in 1080 country, so if you have pets, be extremely careful.
We were advised to go through this gate, which we did and grateful we did.
These were the direction signs welded to every gate so you did not get lost.
You enter the Main Trans Access Road west of Rawlinna.
We were lucky to see the Indian Pacific go through Rawlinna.
Great camping once you entered the timbered country.
The Trans Access Road was in excellent condition.