Saturday, Dec 24, 2022 at 14:53
It's hard for me to imagine why many RV'ers in the US would need Starlink. They may want it because it's the shiny new toy, but few need it. Mobile coverage is so much more extensive than in Australia...
check out the T-Mobile coverage map, for example:
Click here
Now, people living in remote/rural areas of the US may find Starlink useful and cost-effective vs. existing satellite internet. But then again, the appearance of 4G and 5G
home gateways offered by the mobile providers will reach a lot of people. And those
services are less expensive than Starlink.
Link here
I had a T-Mobile 5G Gateway for a while. I live in a largish urban area so other options were available, but this was less expensive. The speed was variable, but IIRC was always over 100 Mbps and at times was 300+ Mbps. I went back to a slower but free option: portable WiFi hotspots I
check out from the local library! :)
For sure, Starlink is fantastic for people traveling widely in Oz who need or want to be connected daily, such as David and Michelle. I'd think stations, communities, roadhouses, etc. without mobile coverage would welcome it too.